Recent content by Bob-WY

  1. B

    Why cant i cast in a drift boat?

    I've worked hard on my fly casting. My issue is drift boating. I can still water cast, tight loops, long line shooting, nice rollover to soft landing. Wading same thing. Pit me in a drift boat and I stink. Spent way to much time yesterday untangling knots, total technique breakdown, to much...
  2. B

    PA Sunday Hunting ban repealed?

    I'd be more interested in the wffect on the deer kill. For thise that work M-F this basically ads a day, so does it double hu table days for some? If so does that change the deer kill significantly?
  3. B

    2024 WY pronghorn, deer, and R elk draw

    No they won't release early. Never do
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    College students Living at Home

    Biggest lessons in college, IMO, aren't financial, but time management. Tuition is paid, if in dorms so is all else. Early in college biggest reason kids fail is time management and responsibility to get stuff done without mom and dad reminders. Homework, study, eat, sleep, make friends all a...
  5. B

    Gun Owners Don't Vote

    Is it gun owners that don't vote, or gun owners with other issues as higher priority? Probably a bit of both
  6. B

    Any car salesmen here?

    That's not a car dealer question but a lawyer question
  7. B

    Wanna Play Soccer with Elk?

    Used to ref soccer in NH. Had to pause a game cause of a moose on the field
  8. B

    Long Covid?

    Try a different doctor. My step mother had that, for months. Turned out to be a cyst in her lungs
  9. B

    Gillette WY to build nuclear power plants

    Is the high costs because of inflation since it was approved? Pretty much everything has doubled
  10. B

    Fly fishing bobbers that stay put?

    I use the ones where you remove a screw in piece and insert the leader. You can always wrap the leader around once after you insert the line in the slot, before putting the screw in piece back on
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    Platte river issues

    For body punctures I would GUESS the issue may be using 2 or 3 flies
  12. B

    Grizzlies in the Bighorns

    The article keeps saying "biological and social" for acceptable range. WTF does a grizzly care about being socially accepted!
  13. B

    Iowa/LSU Women’s BBall tonite

    With respect to the "can't call that at that point". I uses to teach soccer referees and that always came up. My answer was simple "if you've been calling it all game and then don't, because you don't want to decide the game, well arent you deciding the game by suddenly NOT calling it"
  14. B

    experince vs gifts?

    Not an expert, but what I do is for length, ears are 6 inches, use that to guage length. For mass, go with my gut, what was my first thought, was it "he's nice" or "he's NICE "
  15. B

    Not on Your Bucket List

    0 Interest in Africa, simply don't know the animals, so don't interest me. Bears, never felt the desire. Same for cats