Recent content by Dentrimental

  1. Dentrimental

    Utah Draw Results 2022

    Drew cow bison with a rifle and general season archery deer! 😄
  2. Dentrimental

    Heads up for Remington owners...

    This is what it looked like before I dug the shell out of the barrel. My best guess is there was way too much pressure, both pieces of the bolt were wedged in place by the brass. Nothing appears to be wrong with the barrel and I don't think there was any obstructions, I had fired the gun several...
  3. Dentrimental

    Heads up for Remington owners...

    So my Remington Versa Max Shotgun just blew apart while I was duck hunting the other day. Jammed the exploded shell in the barrel (factory Remington ammo), took 2 chunks out of the bolt head and left me without anything to shoot the two Canadian geese that promptly flew into my decoys. Anyway, I...
  4. Dentrimental

    Landscapes (pics)

    A few of my favorites I've taken over the years
  5. Dentrimental

    Federal B.O.R.LOCK ammunition

    Thanks, good to know maybe I'll try those out instead!
  6. Dentrimental

    Federal B.O.R.LOCK ammunition

    I saw these at the store today and I was wondering if anybody has any experience with them? I have been shooting 250gr Hornady SST and they seem to be more accurate than the powerbelts for me but I have had problems with them not expanding when I have shot deer, leaving poor blood trails making...
  7. Dentrimental

    Finally got hit for a LE Elk tag in Utah

    Hey hope your scouting has been going good! My trail cams haven't turned up much other that a few smaller bulls and lots of cows and spikes however I found couple nice bulls as I was creeping into my tree stand this weekend while I was hunting for a spike. They were bedded down about 150 yards...
  8. Dentrimental

    Finally got hit for a LE Elk tag in Utah

    Sounds like your friend knows where to go! I have hunted this unit a lot and this year I have a muzzleloader deer tag and I will probably chase cows/spikes around with my bow. If my scouting turns up any nice bulls I'll be happy to share pictures and locations with you. Did this a couple years...
  9. Dentrimental

    Finally got hit for a LE Elk tag in Utah

    Congrats! Have you hunted on this unit before?
  10. Dentrimental

    Hunt utah

    Yeah I would give it a try! I would recommend going to one of the units you've been putting in for limited entry and hunt that so when you do finally draw you are familiar with that unit and have much better chance of getting a big bull. It does kinda suck that you can only shoot a spike...
  11. Dentrimental

    Hunt utah

    I think how hard it is depends on if you are hunting Spike Only Units or the Any Bull Units. I feel like the spike only units are very easy to hunt since you are hunting the limited entry units that hold lots and lots of elk but you are just limited to shooting a spike (or a cow if you are...
  12. Dentrimental

    Family Man's 2020 Season Log

    Nice Job on the turkey general season birds don't come easy here in Utah! Great story telling too. Keep it up!
  13. Dentrimental

    Utah Turkey?

    My Dad drew for the northern region last year and I think he had 2 bonus points. I hunted again up diamond fork Monday/ Tuesday and helsyeah is right, there are a lot of guys up there. I had put some trail cams a week ago a couple miles away from the road that everybody hunts up there and got...
  14. Dentrimental

    Elk .... Let's see them!!!

    Thanks I'll do that! Thanks I'll do that!
  15. Dentrimental

    Utah Turkey?

    I'm just hunting the general season again this year, no luck on the draw.

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