Recent content by Gut Shot

  1. Gut Shot

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    Form 4473, question 11e Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?’ What was his answer when he bought the gun?
  2. Gut Shot

    Lets see your fishing boat!

    I firmly believe that a boat should fit your situation. What water you run and how you use it should be the primary concerns. Now that I live near bigger water I'd like to find a nice aluminum bay boat, something in the 18-20' range. I'll need to look for a deal because, for me, fishing is...
  3. Gut Shot

    Lets see your fishing boat!

    1976 16' Monarch with a 1991 40hp Mariner (Yamaha). Heavily modified. I learned a long time ago that the fish come over the side the same if it's a canoe or a $60,000 bass boat.
  4. Gut Shot

    Mountain Lion for a Little Lady

    That's awesome, I hope your daughter never grows to take hunts like that for granted. A lion over hounds is one of my bucket list hunts.
  5. Gut Shot

    Well, it's not good. Not religious but prayers are welcomed.

    Sorry for your loss. You'll be in my prayers.
  6. Gut Shot

    I need a turkey gun

    I'm not going to tell you how to spend your time in the field, but for me those long periods of nothing are called "nap time".
  7. Gut Shot

    I need a turkey gun

    You don't need anything fancy to kill a turkey. Every shotgun turkey me or my kids have killed have fallen to an old Mossberg 9200 in 12ga with a full choke shooting 2.75" #5. It's good to go out to 45 yards.
  8. Gut Shot

    The adult female

    I can't remember a single time that I've called in a daytime pair of coyotes that the female wasn't in the rear, letting the male take the lead.
  9. Gut Shot

    My first new vehicle

    I've heard that, also hearing something about stated mileage vs. actual mileage. Everything I've seen is speculation because the jackasses at Ford haven't actually given any specifics.
  10. Gut Shot

    My first new vehicle

    That's what I said when he took his friends off-roading in his escape, broke the trans. return line and drove it until it quit. Wife caved in after a couple of weeks and he totaled her car 2 days before Christmas. I told the wife it was her fault for coddling him instead of letting me...
  11. Gut Shot

    My first new vehicle

    None given. I called the dealer a couple of weeks ago and they didn't have and answer either. Sounded like they were frustrated that they hadn't seen any new inventory yet. Ford's order tracking software is completely useless. Since I've ordered this truck my son has destroyed two cars and...
  12. Gut Shot

    My first new vehicle

    Just an update 6.5 months after truck is sitting on a lot in Kansas City. It's been done for a couple of months and, just like thousands of other trucks, isn't shipping. I think Ford Motor Co an I are going to part ways and I will NEVER order a new vehicle again.
  13. Gut Shot

    Thinking about Busnell optics? DON'T

    I learned my lesson with Bushnell many years ago. Their optics aren't great and their customer service sucks.
  14. Gut Shot

    Scientists working to unravel mysteries around rare gray wolf found in Davenport IA

    Yeah, yeah, yeah....they said the same thing about that bear that got killed by a combine near Maquoketa Iowa about 15 years ago.
  15. Gut Shot

    Hunt Giant Sheep In Montana!

    Almost. This is some Dr. Moreau crap.