Sitka Pre Season Savings

Recent content by mtmiller

  1. mtmiller

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    I have to get better at caping. This one just got pissed off and ran away. Apparently I was doing it wrong.
  2. mtmiller

    Stuff you don't like for no good reason

  3. mtmiller

    Ask your onX Hunt questions here!

    What’s up with the new land status transparency? Not a fan. Wasn’t broken.🤬 As long as I am bitching. Why does a faint two-track have the same symbology as a crowned and ditched county road? At least let me have an option to turn it off.
  4. mtmiller

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

  5. mtmiller

    Stuff you don't like for no good reason

    Adults that dress up for Halloween.
  6. mtmiller

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    Am I overthinking the order of the shopping I do after work? EDIT- never mind, figured it out.
  7. mtmiller

    Montana Mule Deer Raffle

    And every once in a while one makes it across the wall and the crowd goes wild.
  8. mtmiller

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Bad light and heat waves, but here is a pronghorn I bumped into yesterday.
  9. mtmiller

    The verdict is in...

    FFF rule. Just be transparent on that last F I recently learned. :D
  10. mtmiller

    Minnesota's Proposed "Assault Weapon" Bans (2024)

    I just thought the TJ "beauty" quote was an interesting choice of words from Tom, so I spent 60 seconds looking into it. Bummed that it was not accurate. :p Carry on.
  11. mtmiller

    Wyoming wolf segue

    Or wild horses.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  12. mtmiller

    MT Mule Deer Age data accuracy and reality

    See where that antler splits about 10” above the base….=mature buck, congrats.🎉😜😜
  13. mtmiller

    New SAR tool

    Pinpoint cellphones my ass. This is proof they put a chip in my arm a couple years ago, lyin' bastards.
  14. mtmiller

    "Wild" horses saved!!!

    I am appalled. Okay, not really. What is the concern?

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