PEAX Equipment

Recent content by R.K.

  1. R.K.

    Snapping Turtle

    Preferred method of the old timers where I grew up was to dispatch the turtle, boil a pot of water, tie a string to the tail, and then repeatedly scald the turtle. Loosens the skin to make it easier to clean, and also knocks the gunk off of them to reduce contamination. Then you can clean them...
  2. R.K.

    2024 Montana CMR Fence Pull

    Not in the cards this year, but I plan to make it one of these times. Looks like a blast.
  3. R.K.

    Stuff you don't like for no good reason

    The list is longer than the things I like. But nothing gets me madder than somebody putting mayonnaise on a burger. Or anything, really.
  4. R.K.

    Californians build house in GNP. FCD demands halt and removal.

    Just went back and re-read it in Walton Goggins televangelist voice. It’s incredible.
  5. R.K.


    Wordle 1,080 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 ⬛🟨🟨⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  6. R.K.

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    There’s a big difference between pork butts and cigarette butts. Both are smoked butts, but i think everybody is gonna be discerning over which one they’d rather have. Not all butts are equal.
  7. R.K.

    Catch All Fishing Thread

    Periodical cicadas in southern Illinois. Phenomenal fly fishing for warmwater species. Multiple doubles, 100+ fish days. Hope to go chase trout in a couple weeks. Been waiting 13 years for this to come back around, and it has not disappointed.
  8. R.K.

    Great Social Media posts?

    An inflatable tent?
  9. R.K.

    Great Social Media posts?

    I thought it was her trying to look like the younger woman her husband was having an affair with, who she then harassed over the situation?
  10. R.K.

    Alaska's Rivers Of Rust.

    They have living survivors of the last famines. I think they’ll figure something out (again).
  11. R.K.

    Wyoming Elk Draw

    What scares me is that each general tag had 2-5x as many unsuccessful NR applicants as there were total tag quota. And that doesn’t even count how many sat out and just bought points. Which means point creep is going to get worse. It’s less creep and more full-on failure at this rate. I’m...
  12. R.K.

    Alaska's Rivers Of Rust.

    A lot of Life comes back, but it can take a million years. And it typically looks very different from what was there before. Last time I checked- I don’t have a million years.
  13. R.K.

    Alaska's Rivers Of Rust.

    And the wound was 90% of species dying off. Not an ideal scenario from my perspective.
  14. R.K.

    Great Social Media posts?

    That’s some lazy bordering on image merging. Sorry folks- this looks more fake than velveeta cheese.

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