Caribou Gear

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  1. Moosie

    B Bar C store in texas

    Anyone remember Bob from Texas from the early hunttalk days ? I got to see him this week heading to Houston. Next week I'll be in Louisiana meeting another hunttalker , then next weekend in Dallas then the following weekend in San Antonio. Anyone in the Houston area tomorrow os the last day...
  2. Moosie

    Anyone know this BigFin guy ?

    This guy walks up to my booth in Puyallup Washington today and says "I'm a celebrity, very famous on Social Media, want my autograph ? " So I smiled and took a picture with him cuz he looked like he was gunna cry if I didn't. Claims he's from Bozeman ... was eating a DQ dille bar...
  3. Moosie

    Pak-Jak on Kickstarter

    New videos, Specs, Stories, Etc... Went live this morning at 11AM. Starting out ok. Feedback on my videos and story line please. I know you guys go out of your way to be "brutally honest"..... KICK STARTER LINK
  4. Moosie

    New Backpacking Jacket

    I patented a new Jacket last year. Just release the first video of it this morning. Launching a kick starter later in the month. Beside the old ugly guy in the video, any thoughts of the concept ?
  5. Moosie

    Camo for those in need : Go-Fund-Me

    Hey guys. I just launched this campaign this morning. If you are in the position to share a couple bucks (no pun intended) take a look and see if this fits something you could help with. BigFin gave me permission to post this. I'm assuming the fireside is the best place. Although I like...
  6. Moosie

    FNMA and LL Stocks

    Besides my IRA/401-K I have some "play investment" money in Etrade I really own 2 stocks in it. FNMA and LL. I've bought and sold FNMA for the last 5 years anywhere from $1 to $4. Anyone that followed the "Government theft" on that stock 11 years ago knows. #FannieGate LL I picked up earlier...
  7. Moosie

    Valuing a company

    A little history and then the question. (What is a company worth ?) I see there is a couple general topics on this but I figured I'd throw out more specific scenario with more accurate numbers). I started a Camo Apparel business idea 3 years ago. Just an idea and not much thought behind it...
  8. Moosie

    Hey mtmuley

    ........ I got ya :)
  9. Moosie

    New item at Walmart

    I'm not remembering seeing these packaged items before at Walmart. I just saw them last night.Does one know what it is ? Or what the liquid is next to it ?
  10. Moosie

    Who dances ?

    Just wondering if the older people or younger people dance better in your family ? Let me know who you think dances better in this video ?
  11. Moosie

    How tough are your kids ?

    Everyone thinks they have good tough kids but I'm gunna say my girl it tougher than most of your boys. Prove me wrong......
  12. Moosie

    Dominant eye..... Need some help.

    Alright fella's. My son Mason tells me he's left eye dominant. We went through a couple tests to see and I'm still up in the air if he is or not. What's your take ?
  13. Moosie

    IDBugler and Moosie's 2020 Epic Goat Hunt

    Aight.... Look, I haven't been around lately. I have things going on. But any old timers know that IDB and Moosie put on some pretty epic hunts. So I decided to start this thread and keep you in the loop on the preparation, and the hunt during this years Goat hunt. I haven't asked IDB yet about...
  14. Moosie

    Anyone know this guy ?

    Rumor has it he has been spotted in Portland Oregon.......
  15. Moosie

    2016 WY Moosie and Bugler Adventure ?

    2016 will be a recap of 2007, but only better..... Will We Beat Box in Elk again ? BEAT BOX BULL Will we update live from the tent ? TENT UPDATE Will we take another bull and be surrounded by 6 more ? Bunches of Bulls Oh My
  16. Moosie

    Hey Smarandr

    I jsut saw yer Signature .... Eye don't git the first part about my splelling.... but I love that Quote From Raylan. JUSTIFIED is probably the Best show ever for funny one liners !!!
  17. Moosie

    Moosie's 3rd oldest Boy

    Went elk hunting........... Parker's Elk Hunt He has a good Deer Tag as well. Hopefully November brings in the Venison Video :)
  18. Moosie

    2015 Idaho Goat tag (Most viewed post ever)

    So, I've lost my touch on writing. But I'll share my endeavor that's happening this year. Lots of pictures in this post (in the future) and lots of side bars with derailing consistently. In the end, I hope to have a Goat and a great experience. Wish me luck !! You know this thread will get long...
  19. Moosie

    Hey DinkShooter.....

    I've been away from the boards since about 2009...... I'm back Dink, Welcome to your competition !!! 2015 Up for grabs still !!! :hump:
  20. Moosie

    Word on the Street some clown drew a Bad A$$ goat tag in Idaho. :hump: I know how Awesome T-Bones Goat story was a while back. Thought I'd do the same and keep you guys posted and updated on it. It will be in the Mountain Goat section. To busy lately to post much, but wanted to all least give a shout...

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