Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. Cornell2012

    Fresh Tracks+ 2023 Giveaway Winners

    Hi everyone, here is the official list of winners for the Fresh Tracks+ 2023 giveaway. I will be emailing the winners individually over the course of the next week or so. Winners will have 1 week to reply to my email if they want the prize, and then we'll move on to the list of alternate...
  2. Cornell2012

    First Winter Steel

    My good friend Tom (of the Association of NW Steelheaders) took me out in his drift boat to try and get my first steelhead. Tom has been a great mentor for me since I moved to Oregon and helped me get my first salmon, sturgeon, and now steelhead! I lost one right at the start of the trip and...
  3. Cornell2012

    Non-typical Waterfowl Dogs

    Mostly I want to see more photos of Gus with a bird in his mouth (ahem... @wllm ) but also a serious question: Other than labs, which dogs have you seen or had good luck with in a duck blind? We just bought a house and have an opportunity to finally get a dog. I want to take it into the duck...
  4. Cornell2012

    Columbia R Has Been Good To Me This Year

    Posted about the first Chinook I caught from the bank a while back. This has apparently been a very good run for Spring Chinook. The powers that be have given us a bunch of extra fishing days to chase after them. I've caught 3 fish on 6 trips (which everyone tells me is very far from normal). I...
  5. Cornell2012

    Fresh Tracks Weekly - 4/22/22

    Fresh Tracks Weekly is now available on your favorite podcast site (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, iHeart) or watch the video on YouTube Marcus is back from a week of vacationing and chasing turkeys with his dad. Michael is up to 56 days of fishing now and this week's...
  6. Cornell2012

    First Solo Spring Chinook

    Last weekend I attended a workshop hosted by the Association of Northwest Steelheaders ( focused on bank fishing for salmon. I moved to Oregon in 2017 and have caught a handful of salmon, but always because of kind offers from people with boats. Being able to fish for...
  7. Cornell2012

    This is why we can't have nice things

    Greetings all, I've noticed a recent uptick in posts that violate The Rules. Particularly posts that violate the rules quoted below. This is me asking for a return to sanity. Don't feed the trolls. Don't troll other members and then report them for trolling you back. Don't spread...
  8. Cornell2012

    First-hand experiences of women hunters

    We've had a handful of threads pop up about how women are treated differently by the hunting community. Here is an article with some first hand accounts of how women have experienced hunting...
  9. Cornell2012

    First time OR duck season

    This is the first year since moving to Oregon that I really made an effort to go out. Deer + elk hunting was a bit of a bust, and the steelhead are still undefeated, but I've had some luck with the ducks at least. I don't have access to a dog or boat or private land so we've been fighting the...
  10. Cornell2012

    Amazon Prime - Season 3 of Fresh Tracks

    Big news! We have made the first two episodes (blacktail deer hunt with Jim, pictured below) of Fresh Tracks season 3 available on Amazon Prime. We'll be releasing more in the coming days. Link:
  11. Cornell2012

    Amazon Prime - Season 4 of Fresh Tracks now available!

    Just found out this morning that Season 4 of Fresh Tracks cleared the approval process to go live on Amazon Prime Video! Check it out here: You can also just to to and search for "Randy Newberg" or "Fresh Tracks hunting" and you should be able to...
  12. Cornell2012

    Fresh Tracks on Netflix?

    Hi everyone, as you've probably seen, Netflix has added a number of hunting shows to their lineup. We're starting to see more and more hunting shows appear online. While we've been happy with our performance on YouTube, we are working on also getting in the Amazon Video Direct library (which you...
  13. Cornell2012

    Trailer Loading

    Saw this video and figured it would be relevant to a fair number of people on Hunt Talk. This 30-second clip illustrates the importance of proper weight distribution when towing a trailer.
  14. Cornell2012

    WSJ does a piece on long-range hunting Edit: The article doesn't really take a stance on anything, but highlights the uneasiness that some hunters have with the long-range (like, electronically assisted, 1000+yd, $25k) setups. "Of about 14 million...
  15. Cornell2012

    Podcast #39 with guest Jonathan O'Dell

    Hi everyone, apologies for the erratic podcast release schedule. We're aiming for a release every two weeks until the end of hunting season, then maybe we'll try to go back to the weekly episodes. Anyhow, episode 39 has been submitted to our publishing platform and should be available through...
  16. Cornell2012

    Amazon Prime

    Who has it? I know personally it leads to a number of impulse purchases...
  17. Cornell2012

    Spring Pictures

    Continuing the tradition. Rules: No dead critters, seasonal photos. Winter Pictures Autumn Pictures Summer Pictures I've been playing with film again. Here's a few from the latest batch. Lots of people in their graduation attire getting photos taken
  18. Cornell2012

    Live Streaming

    Greetings Hunt Talkers, I've been trying to come up with new ways for us to engage with everyone out in internet land [a community, you might say? ;) ] and one of the ideas I have is to do a live video stream Q&A and/or story time (Fin on camera). We would likely host this on YouTube, and it...
  19. Cornell2012

    YouTube Milestones

    Our YouTube channel has been growing at a pretty good rate, and we just surpassed 2500 total subscribers to go along with more than half a million minutes viewed in the past 4 weeks. Thanks for watching!
  20. Cornell2012

    Smart TV

    I was digging in to some of the viewership numbers around the OYOA seasons 1 and 2 on YouTube and noticed that a very substantial amount of viewing time is coming from smart TVs. I was a bit surprised because I didn't think they had made that much of an inroad yet. Anyone here use one? I'm...

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