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  1. LuckyMike

    What would you be thinking?

    What would you be thinking if this was the first glimpse you got of the bull you dropped on opening morning of the Montana general season?
  2. LuckyMike

    Not all "spring" rainbow fishing is for spawners

    Made a couple of trips to one of my favorite spots during the first week in May. Caught a few post spawn fish and several "chromers" on chironomids. The bright ones were great fighters and excellent table fare.
  3. LuckyMike

    Spring on the Blackfeet Res

    I Hit the Res a little late this spring. Weather was great but spawning run was a bit far along, making it very difficult to catch fish, even though I could see hundreds.
  4. LuckyMike

    Finishing up winter project

    I just applied the second and last coat of varnish on these four fish mounts. Posting them on here to share with you. Not to advertise. I have been retired from my taxidermy business for over 10-years. These skin mounts, using the real heads, are for myself and family. I would like to say...
  5. LuckyMike

    Middle of the afternoon

    I was out for a while on a cold sunny afternoon near home. Temperature was -6 degrees Fahrenheit.
  6. LuckyMike

    Nice sight after a small storm

    Went out for a short hunt, evening before last, right when a short period of storminess passed. Took this picture with my 3.6x zoom, Thought it was a nice sight to share even though the herd was on the wrong side of a strategic fence. Think you can count about 20-elk in the picture. I counted...
  7. LuckyMike

    Nevada Pronghorn Adventure

    Just returned from Nevada where I accompanied a good friend who drew a tag for pronghorn. We found a lot of bucks in various types of terrain. No ATV's here. My GPS says we typically walked 4 to 6 miles a day. The heat gave us fits with our optics. Hunting big lone bucks in the cedars (junipers)...
  8. LuckyMike

    Which month produces the most B&C entries for typical mule deer in Colorado?

    Over the few years I’ve been on this forum there has been numerous discussions about the best time to draw your limited tag to hunt a trophy mule deer. The general consensus has most often been that the rut is a guy’s best opportunity. I’ve never disagreed. It seems to me along with a lot of...
  9. LuckyMike

    W.S. Cutthroat - before & after

    Here is a picture of a 21" West Slope Cutthroat (male) in spawning colors which I posted about a year ago on "fishing hole." I mounted this guy earlier this spring and showed him on my bench in my post on fish painting. The second picture shows the final product.
  10. LuckyMike

    Montana Bighorns in May

    Yesterday I took myself for a hike on the outer face of the Rocky Mountain Front in search of bands of rams at the upper reaches of their winter range before they head back into their summer and fall range. It was a spectacular day with solid sunshine and very little wind an nobody around. Only...
  11. LuckyMike

    Painting fish

    Does this look like the workbench of a serious taxidermist? Working on some trout for myself, granddaughters and daughter. Finish coat on. I'll post a couple more pictures once these are hanging on the wall.
  12. LuckyMike

    Almost the record Montana Brown Trout

    Years ago I mounted a Brown trout that weighed 27lbs-15oz for a fellow named Don Grover. Don was fishing in the Missouri River below Canyon Ferry Dam on February 22, 1972 with his friend Carl Blankenship. While trolling a Rapala along a steep cliffy embankment Don hooked the huge Brown...
  13. LuckyMike

    Boone & Crocket field photo con

    Maybe I missed it, but I don't think anyone has congratulated fellow Hunt Talker, Greenhorn for placing second in B&C's fifth annual field photo contest. I picked up on this in the Spring 2014 issue of Fair Chase. Congratulations, Greenhorn on your super photo and great trophy! Many of us felt...
  14. LuckyMike

    More spring(?) in Montana

    My son Tyler took the day off yesterday to go fishing with me. There was a little open water and a few nice rainbows to be had on the fly rod. This spot is 84-miles from my home. :)
  15. LuckyMike

    OK, Spring is here!

    Fishing a spot this morning that is only four miles from my house! :D
  16. LuckyMike

    Nice pelt in my Trailcam

  17. LuckyMike

    2013 Colorado mule deer

    Just finished mounting my mule deer buck from Colorado last fall. This guy had a beautiful cape with dark contrasting colors and silky smooth hair texture. Killed him by himself, well before the rut on October 26th. He's darn good eating to boot!
  18. LuckyMike

    Bull Elk mounting process

    One of my main projects this winter is to mount up my son's bull elk which he took last fall in the Montana archery season. I used to be a part time taxidermist and mounted commercially for other people. However, I retired from doing business about ten years ago. Currently I mount only for...
  19. LuckyMike

    "Badass" mountain climber!

    Most sheep hunters will feel like they put in a good days work after climbing (I'm talking ascent only) 2000 vertical feet in a day of hunting. On most sheep hunts this much climbing will be the daily norm and on tougher days they will climb in excess of 3000 vertical feet with 4000 not out of...
  20. LuckyMike

    Old bull

    This morning I found this guy along with his 5-pt buddy. I was deer hunting but also scouting a limited draw area for a friend. Therefore, unfortunately, I couldn't shoot. He appears to be an old bull to me. Not the biggest rack, maybe 320 or so, but his body is huge. He has the most extreme...
PEAX Trekking Poles

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