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  1. Nambaster

    How close to due dates do you hunt?

    My wife is due Sept 26th. I went ahead and purchased and elk tag that opens September 15th. I will do my duty to do my best to check in with my Zoleo on a nightly basis to stay in contact. I would love to hear some hunt talkers stories about priorities and hunting to the limit on a due date.
  2. Nambaster

    Texas Feral Pig logistics

    I live in Idaho. Flying United Airlines to Lubbock, Texas. Have a pig hunt scheduled for the 17th of June. In the event that I am successful, I will be staying in Lubbock until the 26th. I will have very limited free time for processing (about 2-3 hrs in the late nights) and even more limited...
  3. Nambaster


    Is he still around? Looking to get a rifle scope.
  4. Nambaster

    Look at the nails on that…

    We got another skunk. One of the craziest oddities on this one is the nails on this one. It must have really been a digger. I am no skunk expert, but of the 10 or so skunks I have gotten none have had claws like this one.
  5. Nambaster

    Ever seen a 10 Lb skunk?

    Found this fat chubby guy in a body grip this morning. He is so fat he makes his tail looks small.
  6. Nambaster

    Whitetail Elevation Question

    I have been hunting Whitetails in central Idaho and I have heard that Whitetails are non migratory, meaning, they have a home range of about a couple miles. This has me questioning: will they only be at low elevations due to the snow levels in the winter? Is the whole non migratory thing a...
  7. Nambaster

    Agricultural elk

    I have access to hunt 216.3 acres of agricultural land. 100 acres is probably grain corn approximately 7-10 feet tall. 50 acres is un cut Alfa Alfa and 50 acres is cut Alfa Alfa. Am I cheating myself by not walking through the corn to look for sign or trying to kick something out? Do elk go into...
  8. Nambaster

    Idaho Youth Muzzy Success

    My middle son turned 10 last year and squeezed in a deer and a bear after his birthday in September. He took the online hunter education course solo and when it came to application time, he learned to do his research. He convinced me to put him in for a youth muzzleloader pronghorn tag due to...
  9. Nambaster

    Age data and skull character

    I thought I would start a small thread with some age data and skull character. I recently got data back for my 2020 bears. Side by side the boar on the left is significantly smaller than the one on the right. His top front teeth were all missing minus the canines. You can tell by the calcium...
  10. Nambaster

    Ruger Revolver Value

    I have a guy who has a Ruger Blackhawk 6.5” barrel in 357 and a Ruger single six 22LR with a 6” barrel. I really want the single six but he says buy them both or buy none. In average condition what would you guys consider to be a fair deal on the 2 revolvers? Follow up question. How much...
  11. Nambaster

    Non emergency Zoleo rescue

    Had a non emergency Zoleo rescue. Was driving down a groomed snowmobile track and decided it was getting a little too dicey. On my multipoint attempt at turning around the snow broke beneath my tires and I began to get high centered. Reception was absent and so I reached out to my wife and she...
  12. Nambaster

    Drones to check trapline

    I am in Idaho and considering getting a drone to check my trapline. 805 yards is the end of my trapline. The elevation is what kills me. It’s about a 1100’ gain in elevation. Does anyone have any experience with footage out to 805 yards with a drone? There is no cell reception where my trapline...
  13. Nambaster

    Zoleo dispatched an ambulance

    My son and I were out on a deer/bear hunt. As we were crossing a bridge we noticed a significant amount of debris and gear floating in the river below. As I looked up river in my binos I saw a raft upside down on the opposite side of the river. After further observation I could see someone...
  14. Nambaster

    A boy and his bear

    After harvesting his first deer my son asked to come back the next morning to check the gut pile. I had harvested a small yearling buck and a man and his 2 sons had harvested another doe in the same canyon. We were aware of 3 gut piles and it would be well worth an extra day to see what we would...
  15. Nambaster

    A boy and his doe….

    My plane had just touched down from Denver. My wife and I had just spent a week in Costa Rica on a retreat and Denver was our final layover before getting home to the Boise airport. As soon as we landed we sprinted to the nearest grocery store to load up on snacks and treats to get my 10 yr old...
  16. Nambaster

    There are easier elk….

    Every time I buy this tag I am second guessing what I am getting into. As soon as I hit the trail head I realize that I am biting off more than I should. I have to pack all my gear to stay out for at least a week. I have to plan all my days and trips carefully so that I always have access to...
  17. Nambaster

    Thompson center contender G2 base

    Hello all, I am looking for a Thompson Center contender G2 base. I currently have a 14” 7x30 waters in stainless barrel and several hundred rounds and dies for it. Shoot me a message if anyone has one they might be willing to part with. I’d love to get a gun cabinet queen.
  18. Nambaster

    Holding out for a blonde

    Has anyone ever held out for a blonde bear? Seems kinda ridiculous right? When I watched guys talking about the color phase Grand Slam I kinda start to feel a little petty. I do have a cinnamon, chocolate,black w/black face, and black w/brown face. I have to be realistic and admit that Glacier...
  19. Nambaster

    Bears are awake!

    Bears are awake in Idaho! I went out yesterday and spotted a reddish brownish one out browsing the grass. I put a mock stalk on him and got within shooting range and gave him some space. I told myself that I really wanted a blonde one this year but reddish brownish sure was pretty. Looks like we...
  20. Nambaster

    Bonus Coyote

    I arrived at my late season cow elk unit to make my rounds checking to see if the elk had moved in. As I was glassing I spotted a small herd of deer and they picked up their heads to point out a few coyotes in pursuit. As the coyotes focused on the deer I was able to make a stalk. As I closed in...

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