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  1. B

    Let Them Roam - A Bison Yarn

    I've taken weeks to decide to write this up. The thing I want to achieve by sharing this story is to promote appreciation for this animal, and hopefully spur interest in allowing free-ranging herds to return to more state and federal lands, so more people can share in their physical and...
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    Anybody want to hear this story?

    I wasn't even going to post this, but the off season might need a story. What say ye?
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    The Roosevelt elk hunt of my dreams...

    ...on Afognak. Now what? Quit my job. Build a bear fence, or 2. Expect misery. Bring a beast of a Kiwi to pack my elk, and watch my back. Be Tuffff, with 4 Fs. Don't give up. To be continued...
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    Kodiak deer limit reduced for nonresidents

    I suspect there is a causative relationship between copious internet exposure of Kodiak blacktail hunting and this change in the regs. Not that I would want to kill 3 bucks, and I doubt it changes the number of people hunting, but maybe folks could show restraint and nonresident opportunity...
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    Sheep herder vs bear I don't think I've heard of a black bear going after a sheep herder before.
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    Gros Ventre ewe bighorn hide

    After being generally disappointed with my recent hide tanning experiences, I decided to try prepping a flat skin on my own. My test piece is this ewe from my hunt with @mulecreek last September. I bought a relatively inexpensive two-handed, double-edged fleshing knife from Weibe, bought a...
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    Kodiak flight logistics for meat

    Assuming I kill an elk on Afognak, am I going to be able to get 3-400lbs of meat to the kodiak airport in time to make the 7am flight out? Or should I plan to take the 340pm flight that requires an overnight in a PNW hotel/airport? I've read several threads about how great the staff is at ADQ...
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    Why isn't it "Big 4"?

    Are we purists to the point where WILD bison can't be part of the exclusive club? I can see only including free range, drawn hunts as a part of renaming the subforum, but excluding bison completely seems un-American.
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    Application futility

    Wyoming big 4 applications are due soon. I'm sitting out because, in regards to nonresident random tags, there will only be 1 bighorn ram and 2 bull moose tags. It is not worth the non-refundable fees unless the nonresident system is changed to give me a chance at the areas I desire to hunt for...
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    "Well, you came up here for adventure, didn't ya?"

    Is what the old cabbie said after I finished relating the abbreviated version of the whirlwind that had somehow, almost miraculously, set me down unharmed in his cab on the way to the airport. I've had many months to reflect on his words, and I certainly had gone there for adventure....
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    Az spring 23

    One day, I will draw a Gould's tag. I don't even remember what units I put down this year, thought it was a hail mary.
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    Wyoming M/S/G/B 2022

    I skipped bison this year, maybe because of the fall in success rates over the last few years, but I feel really good about the others. Even though I have a 97% chance of getting my money back, I always hear Lloyd Christmas in my subconscious, urging me to be positive. 5/5/22?
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    Border to Border: Bucks in the Summer, Fall, Winter, and the Monsoon

    I'm an antelope enthusiast. I like to watch them, hunt them, and eat them. The sweet spot is 2 buck hunts per year, enough meat to eat most of the year, share meat with friends, win some new converts to the culinary excellence, and the mix of type 1 and type 2 fun that keeps me in the prairies...
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    Luck for the undeserving - Nevada bull

    I'm not a good elk hunter. I'm a converted eastern whitetail hunter, and I wasn't any good at that either. I'm good at pronghorn hunting, for what that's worth. 4 years ago, I killed my first elk not part of a multiperson firing squad, a calf. It was delicious. The next year I tripped over...
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    AZ spring draw 2022

    Credit card update deadline was last night. Anybody have a guess about hits?
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    COVID misinformation

    When someone posts incorrect or misleading content regarding COVID without any understanding of the facts, the research, or having more than an average everyday experience with the virus, it can be harmful, and even kill people. Please educate yourself before you open your mouth on a subject...
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    Colorado wolf reintroduction stakeholder advisory group application

    I suspect the people on this forum with any chance at getting on this SAG are already aware, but for the rest of you, applications are being accepted from now through March 31st. Be aware that the criteria they are considering include this one: Composure and respect working with those with...
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    Grizzly relocation report for 2020

    Useful read. I wonder if people should keep putting out bird feeders?
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    Driving on the right side of the road

    I'm headed north to hunt next week, and I was going to see what states require me to drive on the right. I've always heard that's best, obviously works well if we all do it, but recently some people said it wasn't cool, so I tried the left, and I felt really special. I know there are a lot of...
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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