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  1. M

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    Have received no response that I have been banned. I have tried repeatedly to sign in to no avail. I emailed Saeed with this problem and have received no response. MTG
  2. M

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    Cannot log into Accuratereloading for some time now. Sent Saeed an email with problem. No response. MTG
  3. M

    Tabled thread…

    The irony is that whether I am satisfied with Sheehy or otherwise you are correct. Flipping the senate to republican to oust Schumer is paramount. I cannot state that it makes me happy to do so. Grrrrrrr……..MTG
  4. M

    Tabled thread…

    Doubt AOC or any of their ilk would use the sold BLM funds to pay down debt. IMHO, I believe the socialist are attempting to bankrupt our republic to form another government. Another government in their view only. Sheehy needs to be bold, answer questions and his campaign live or die with...
  5. M

    Tabled thread…

    No answer/s from the Sheehy campaign office other than asking for my endorsement. I find their silence as an attempt to mask their true agenda. Have been a conservative voter for many years. Now, I am conflicted. I appreciate Sheehy’s Seal team efforts. But, a direct answer has not been...
  6. M

    Tabled thread…

    Apparently this is going nowhere. Thanks all. MTG
  7. M

    Tabled thread…

    Did not receive anything from Tester. Sheehy’s website took four days. MTG
  8. M

    Tabled thread…

    I had posted a thread inquiring information regarding Tim Sheehy’s conservative nomination for MT senator. BigFin tabled the post due to it going off the rails starting a foolish incident that had little to do with the original post. Thank you Randy. I contacted Tim to get an answer about his...
  9. M

    Fresh Tracks Weekly - Playing Political Football

    Typically a politician response. OR, no response at all. MTG
  10. M

    Fresh Tracks Weekly - Playing Political Football

    I have emailed Tim Sheehy multiple times to get a direct answer regarding his views on public land use. Thus far I have received nothing but chin music and the same old political blather he offers the media. I need a direct answer. So far same old same old. MTG
  11. M

    Safari Club International supports WEST Act to withdraw Public land rule

    I AM an SCI member. Albeit I do not support guided hunts on public land.
  12. M

    Tim Sheehy?

    The irony is that Sheehy as a conservative may, and will, vote the party line as all politicians do. But, once the sale, or transfer, of public land comes up where are the boundaries of the correct thing to do? Politicians protect their own and their wealth. I am truly conflicted about who to...
  13. M

    Tim Sheehy?

    My initial inquiry stems from having problem with public land being closed to the public. Tim Sheehy ranch/s stated that 10,000 acres of federal land being leased. This must be a grazing lease I would assume. Therefore any restriction to access, hunting or any other recreation endeavor cannot be...
  14. M

    Tim Sheehy?

    10,000 federal leased lands closed to the public? MTG
  15. M

    Tim Sheehy?

    Does Sheehys ranch encompass any state land, public land? MTG
  16. M

    Tim Sheehy?

    Where, precisely is his property located? How much acreage? Does his land encircle state land? MTG
  17. M

    Suggestions for a quail gun?

    My little Belle has hunted quail, pheasant and Hungarian partridge with equal success. Patience in training with repetition has payed dividends. She was started with pheasant wings as a puppy. Moved on to quail, wild quail, the following season. Ironically she has been hunted with pointers and...
  18. M

    Suggestions for a quail gun?

    Last few years I have been campaigning a 28 gauge O/U that weighs in at just 5 pounds. Have had good years and so so years. Quail populations are up and down. But, the little 28 has performed well, as long as I do my part. Pic is my little ten year old girl Belle. MTG
  19. M

    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    Super tag, my last hoorah. Not holding my breath. MTG
  20. M

    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    If a young man continues to dream of MSG I would continue to dream and apply. Don’t fret the draw odds. Anticipation is part of the adventure. Besides in MT there are the unlimited units. A friend and I hiked up,into the Beartooth, both at age 73, for his sheep hunt. No joy, but an adventure...
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