PEAX Equipment

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  1. P

    2022!!!! Let's go Hoosiers!!!

    Good luck to you all. I was fortunate enough to arrow a doe during September with our 9 year old daughter sitting next to me, and on Oct 30th this guy read my playbook and came in to some rattling, circled downwind, hit the scent of the two tarsal glands from the doe and at 23 yards I took my...
  2. P

    Favorite rifles in safe and why

    I love all my model 70's but here are my Pre 64's. 22hornet, 243 in a standard rifle, 270 in a stock I made, 300H&H, 338WM, and 1950 375H&H. And any time I am still hunting or tracking in snow this one is in my hands. Model 71 348 Winchester Carbine. Just about the sweetest rifle to carry...
  3. P

    Flashlight? Do yall carry one or just your headlamp?

    Yep. I have a belt pocket on my MR Crew Cab that is only to be opened in case of emergency. Extra batteries, a Fenix flashlight, and a granola bar. An extra headlamp is always kept in Camp. That little Fenix is brighter than the spotlight I used to use hunting raccoons in the 90's back in ohio.
  4. P

    Colonoscopy jokes - The jokes are on me.

    Yeah my little brother passed away in 1995 from colon cancer that moved into his lungs. He was 18. I started at 30 having them done. Now I am 48. I faint every time I come out of anesthesia and try to walk. First two times my wife thought I was dying. Now she just laughs. Most...
  5. P

    Leica, Steiner, & Leupold Binos

    Quick update on my Predators. They just came back from Steiner looking like I purchased them. Best $75 bucks spent. Now my daughters can use them like I did. Well done Steiner/Burris optics.
  6. P

    What I Wish I Knew - Concealed Carry

    Be prepared to purchase many holsters. Show me a CC holder and I would bet they have a box of holsters somewhere. You will find one that you really like. Everybody is different. What works for me may not work for you. Practice Dress around your carry piece. Don't expect to wear a tank...
  7. P

    Calling 911---tell us your stories

    I didn't call but it happened to my daughter..... We were sitting around a campfire one evening with my wife, her brother, his wife, and our 4 girls and their son. It was 4th of July so the kids had those glow sticks acting like lightsabers and such when our then 3 year old decides to bite...
  8. P

    Colorado Taxidermist recommendations

    Wilderness Taxidermy in Aurora. Larry was/is top notch. He did both my mule deer and even though they are 22 and 20 years old now they look like I brought them home yesterday. Larry is a true artist. I know a few guys who have used him and all his work was outstanding. I have never shot a...
  9. P

    Talk to me about lightening storms in the mountains

    2018 I was above tree line in unit 74 CO, hiked in at Andrews Lake. My partner had shot a really nice muley and we decided he would be able to get the meat down to camp by himself on two trips and I would keep looking for elk. I went up top to the base of Needles 2 peak and walked around...
  10. P

    Food list for backpack hunt.

    For me it is Breakfast Mountain House Blueberry granola and powdered milk. Lunch is tortilla rollup with peanut butter/honey/bacon ( premade at home). Snack is a full size Snickers. Dinner mountain house and instant mashed potatoes ( sometimes mixed together). TONs of water. I take some...
  11. P

    Bourbon Connoisseurs

    Never had it. I did try some Thomas Handy ( 800-1000 a bottle) a few months ago at a company dinner where a guy was bragging about his bourbon collection being close to 6 figures. I smiled, took a sip, and said "Man that is something to just piss it away". It was good, but wasn't that good...
  12. P

    Leica, Steiner, & Leupold Binos

    I just received my return autho last night to send them back for a refresh. I will also say that they are my backup pair these days. I now run Meopta Meopro 8x42's and I will endorse them as well. Bought a pair, used them for a few years and the diopter dial stripped out while 4 miles in...
  13. P

    Leica, Steiner, & Leupold Binos

    I have some 1997 era Predator 8x30's that need to make the trip back.. This is great news that Steiner still does this.
  14. P

    My bow is toast :(

    That stinks man. I was in your boat about three months ago. I was shooting off our deck, was at full draw and the 2005 Hoyt Vtec made a very loud "crack". I let down and heard something hit the deck. I found a black piece of plastic and sure enough the limb pocket spacer snapped in two. I...
  15. P

    Shot them all, bought the Hoyt

    I did that same thing 17 years ago with a couple friends of mine. We all went up to Jays in Clare MI and shot all the new bows. Drew back, closed our eyes and fired each one. Hoyt Vtec felt the best to me, the Diamond to my one friend, and the Matthews to the other. I still use that Hoyt...
  16. P

    Knives - Show Me

    As a part time knife maker myself ( 100 or so in the last 3 years) I use Desert ironwood about 90% of the time anymore. Hard as steel damn near and naturally stable. The family hates the smell when I am sanding it out but it has grown on me, I like it now. Those are great looking knives.
  17. P

    What do you do with your old bows?

    Quick update. Our two youngest daughters ( 6 and 9) asked me last week to shoot some arrows and so I did something. I took the pre 59 Kodiak off the wall and strung it up, let it sit for a day, then examined it thoroughly, pulled it back a few times and didn't hear any cracking... We have...
  18. P

    Favorite animal to hunt?

    I think actually out of them all my all time favorite is rabbits. Shotgun kicking brush, over good beagles, with a recurve, etc.. you can be loud, have fun, don't need expensive gear and they are a breeze to clean and cook. My kids hear me talk about how much I love rabbit meat but I don't...
  19. P

    Ultimate Marriage Test

    Ultimate test? Leave the vehicle she drives with less than 20 miles on the "miles to empty". 100 bucks says she brings it back, after passing three gas stations, and tells you. "hey I think the car needs gas"... If she even tells you.
  20. P

    What is the dumbest thing that someone has ever asked/said while you were hunting?

    "wow the topo map really doesn't do this hill justice". Maybe said by me. Maybe by my hunting partner. "Did you shoot that?" some hunter on public land in Missouri as I was standing over a damn near 300 pound 10 pointer about to field dress it. "no actually I gave him a force choke". was...

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