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  1. J

    Hornady 300 wsm ammo

    I’ve read that Hornady has had issues with several calibers not chambering or barely chambering, and that’s even with their calibers. I guess I’d buy a cartridge check tool if I was going to regularly use their ammo for hunting.
  2. J

    15x Binos vs Spotting scope

    Fwiw, using higher power binoculars is an acquired skill, and I believe also depends on your eyesight. I can use my 15x56s offhand to view animals hundreds of yards away. I usually use them on a tripod though. My wife has problems with even my 12.5x50s and much prefers my 10x42s. My usually...
  3. J

    Fishery vs. wildlife

    I guess I don’t get their point. When the local staff made decisions, wildlife management wasn’t great. Now, it’s not great. Seems like they are just annoyed that they don’t get to be the ones messing it up. Just sharing my viewpoint from the peanut gallery.
  4. J

    Fishery vs. wildlife

    I think the people who say to vote for Democrats are Democrats. Sure, they may say they are Independents. For the most part, you should vote for the best candidate for issues that are the most important to you. You may have to vote for someone who you don't completely agree with though. In...
  5. J

    2.5 Man Shelter Thoughts

    I'd look for something larger than you think you might need to have plenty of room for gear/packs, etc. Depending on how far and what weather you might be in, you may have to pay up. Otherwise, most freestanding tents should be "ok". Fwiw, REI also has a good sale on right now. You might...
  6. J

    Seeking trust land fee states

    I don't really have a problem with people who are using the land paying for the upkeep/management as long as it's not an extreme amount, and there are options for really poor people.
  7. J

    Montana People - Have You Seen This Man

    Doesn’t look much like a typical Montana guy with tennis shoes/running shoes and sunglasses on his head. Also, doesn’t look like sheds to me. Finally, that’s a weird combination of dogs. More likely a visitor from another state.
  8. J

    20 GA Over/Under- spend my money

    I agree fit is important. Berettas fit me, so that's what I own. It makes shooting easier. That being said, my ex-BIL could shoot any shotgun really well. His grandpa was a high level skeet shooter and had my ex-BIL shooting a lot from a very young age. So, it's possible to shoot guns...
  9. J

    FWP Fisheries Director Ousted?

    Political opinions are worth about nothing to me. I have my own.
  10. J

    Roth for a kid?

    Your post was incomplete of course. My point is that retirement accounts are just that. There are rules if you aren't 59 1/2. There are also limits to how much you can contribute to a Roth per year. Age 59 ½ and under You can withdraw...
  11. J

    Roth for a kid?

    The problem with any IRA is getting money out. That's ok if you make it to retirement age, but otherwise, not that helpful. I suggest an account that allows him to invest in mutual funds. They are fairly diversified by default which you can increase by picking a few different ones that are in...
  12. J

    Potential Breakthrough In The Fight Against Cancer

    You don't have to believe it, but if you are interested, do a search for "keto diet cancer" on YouTube. The MDs explain why.
  13. J

    Potential Breakthrough In The Fight Against Cancer

    There seems to be a correlation in the increase rate of cancer, obesity, and the change to the Standard American Diet that’s recommended as what people should eat to reduce risk of cancer by many organizations including the American Cancer Society. There is a lot of money behind the Standard...
  14. J

    What are you guys paying for gas?

    $3.88.9 for Premium with Ethanol today.
  15. J

    Tabled thread…

    I'm here because of Randy Newberg videos as well. Probably most are. The reality is that the public transfer bipartisan proposal prevents the sale of federal lands or transfers to states. One of the cosponsors is also a Republican from Montana...
  16. J

    Tabled thread…

    We can disagree on if states or the federal govt is better at doing things. At the end of the day, like many other things in political ads and by political operatives in articles, it is highly unlikely that any federal land sale or state transfer would ever happen. AFAIK, there isn't even a...
  17. J

    Tabled thread…

    I don't think that logic follows unless it applies to the federal govt as well. The federal govt can't afford managing the land either.
  18. J

    Tabled thread…

    From what I've found, the only "public transfer" suggested at all is potentially from federal to state control. Frankly, I trust Montana State Govt more than the Federal Govt. You may disagree.
  19. J

    School Me on Hunting In Grizz Country

    Watch some of the gel/penetration tests on YouTube and also watch some first accounts of the attacks. Also, check out how successful people are with bear spray. You'll be surprised on what the actual differences in calibers is. Sure, it's unlikely you'll be attacked, but if you are, maybe...
  20. J

    Guidance on choosing a new barrel or new rifle

    A few questions ... Have you bedded the action and adjusted the trigger? Have you shot other rifles better? As far as practice goes for hunting. There isn't a huge advantage of shooting lots of times in a short amount of time. Hopefully, you shoot one shot on each trip and then go retrieve...

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