Caribou Gear

Has anyone read Canada bill C-21?


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2022
Bat Sh!+ Crazy, California
I apologize if there is a thread elsewhere, but I did search and could not find. Anywho, has anyone read Canada bill c-21, specifically the December amendment? 300 pages of banned guns proposed. Pretty disturbing. I looked through the whole list, and I’d suspect many of our Canadian cousins will become unknowing criminals overnight. Anyone else with plans to travel there might want to take a look too. m1 garands did make the list, a whole host of benelli shotguns, ruger Mini 14 ranch rifle, and a mossberg 22 plinker. Lots of common long guns on the list.
I have about 8-9 of my firearms that have/or will become prohibited if this all goes through. The various Order in Council, C21 or amendments to C21 are a farce and achieve absolutely nothing. The Prime Minister is now pretty transparent about it, they ARE coming for hunting firearms too.

They were in such a rush to ban our AR15s that they did so with an OiC on 1 May 2020, they had to get them off the street ASAP as they were nothing but killing machines, no time to debate this issue in the house of commons, get them banned NOW! Those EXTREMELY DANGEROUS killing machines that are AR15s are still sitting in our safes over a year and a half later...

Meanwhile organised crime keeps getting tons of firearms accross the border, everyone knows about it and nothing is done about it. The overwhelming majority of firearms involved in crimes are illegal coming from the US.

It's a joke and Canadian firearms owners are the butt of it.
It’s interesting how upset people got about vaccines and how they stood up for it. Maybe people will decide to stand up for what’s right here?

Canada doesn't have a constitution like the US where 2A is a right. Firearms in Canada are a privilege and our rights are guaranteed by a charter which clearly outlines that our rights can be suspended, unlike the US'.

here is a link if you have the time to listen
lots good info if you don’t have the time go to 1:53 minutes
I personally don’t think bill C21 is going to pass
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I'm watching this bill with interest. One of my cousins passed away in Saskatchewan. He had a number of rifles and shotguns. The rest of the family does not want them. They have asked me to take possession of them and bring them home when I'm there next September for waterfowl hunting. I have a PAL with both Non-Rstricted and Restricted endorsements. I don't remember exactly what the firearms are, except there were no AR types. I expect I should contact US Customs, ATF, and the RCMP at minimum. Anyone have experience with this ?
Alright, you have attention...which benellis?!

American hunters are really going to have to be careful if C21 goes through, especially waterfowlers. Call your outfitters, friends and look online (not FB) to make sure your guns will still be legal. CBSA might be leniant if you try crossing the border with a now prohibited firearm and you could lose your property, get a ticket and potentially even a court date. What a joke.
I'm watching this bill with interest. One of my cousins passed away in Saskatchewan. He had a number of rifles and shotguns. The rest of the family does not want them. They have asked me to take possession of them and bring them home when I'm there next September for waterfowl hunting. I have a PAL with both Non-Rstricted and Restricted endorsements. I don't remember exactly what the firearms are, except there were no AR types. I expect I should contact US Customs, ATF, and the RCMP at minimum. Anyone have experience with this ?

The executor can hold the firearms (with or without a license as there are provisions in the law). If some of those firearms are prohibs, yiur best bet is to have the executor ship them to you with an importer. Probably the easiest way to go around this whole shenanigans, make the Canadian guns "American" by legally importing them in the US.
From what i understand, Ruger #1s are on the list too.
So anyone wanting to go North to hunt, might wish to reconsider.
I'm watching this bill with interest. One of my cousins passed away in Saskatchewan. He had a number of rifles and shotguns. The rest of the family does not want them. They have asked me to take possession of them and bring them home when I'm there next September for waterfowl hunting. I have a PAL with both Non-Rstricted and Restricted endorsements. I don't remember exactly what the firearms are, except there were no AR types. I expect I should contact US Customs, ATF, and the RCMP at minimum. Anyone have experience with this ?

I believe that you need to be an FFL to get an import permit from ATF.
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Canada doesn't have a constitution like the US where 2A is a right. Firearms in Canada are a privilege and our rights are guaranteed by a charter which clearly outlines that our rights can be suspended, unlike the US'.
My 2A rights are what ensure I have to tools to be the one in control of what poisons are or are not injected into my body. Australia had the same problem Canada in the last year or so. Without firearms you truly don't have any other freedoms, the government has no respect for you.
This Bill is just JT and Bill Blair trying to gain support in the cities. It's won't be passed due to the NDP propping them up and their ridings are mainly rural. It just happened this bill was put forth 2 weeks before 3 by-elections on seats the Liberal Party needed to keep.