Caribou Gear

Pack tents and what are the differences?


New member
Apr 18, 2022
I apologize if this has been covered in the past, but what are the differences between the high end 2-man tents and the Walmart specials? Is it simply durability? are there insulation factors to the high end ones? I come from the east, and do not tent camp to any frequency to have this knowledge and would like a comment from others who do.

Price, weight, durability

Pick two...

Essentially that's the whole deal with backpacking equipment across the board.

Example... more than 2x the price but half the weight, other difference being syclone poles versus aluminum. The aluminum are more rigid but will snap or be permanently bent when pushed to the limit, where as the syclone will flex and maintain strength, so better in high winds.

3lbs might not seem like a lot, but if you go eberlestock over SG, Klymit over BA or MSR, Costco over Patagonia, etc on every piece of gear you end up with a 60lb kit rather than a 28lb kit. Not to say that you need high end stuff, but simply that is often the trade off you are making.


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thank you that explanation. Much appreciated
It depends on your level of comfort.

I will do a tarp (some amazon one) if the lows aren't bad for winter, and pitch will change depending on weather patterns inbound.

That can range $30 to $400 and sleep 1-4, under 30 oz easily

Other times, I'll bring my argali, bug net too if thick bug season, or if I want to bring the stove, the argali accommodates that.

That's $250, sleeps 1-2, under 30 oz.

I hit the trails with a few guys who can tarp it in the fall, but not any other season and no in new to them places. They pole tent camp most the time, BA mostly, sprinkle an msr and off brand in there.

I've left my tarp-argali-cheapo walmart tent up for a week this past false spring (read blizzard snow- 1" rain tstorm- wind), the poles on the El cheapo lasted less than a night with a wet 5" snowfall, by weeks end the remainder snapped, shot holes through the fly and vestibule.

You also have to decide how comfortable you are being uncomfortable if you decide to go a cheaper/lesser quality route.
Most of the cheap tents will handle a rainstorm. Some tents will handle an extended downpour. I prefer to stay dry.
$ usually gets you much lighter weight as others have said with lighter weight come with less durability lots of the time
as the yrs have gone by I look to loose as much weight as possible and that makes me laugh sometimes
My first back pack had aluminum frame green color and everything was so much clunkier and heavier but It worked I wore jeans my first trip to back country lol but that was 40yrs ago plus