Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Path of the Puma by Jim Williams


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2016

This one sat in my To Read pile since it came out two years ago. I knew I was gonna read it, but it kept getting pushed aside by others (lots on Grinnell recently). Then I drew the Bitterroot Lion tag and I figured I should brush up on my lion lore.

Perhaps the biggest value of this book, is the first hand history of lion manager in Montana. It is too easy to forget what it took to get where we are and begin to think in ways aniquated. Then we loose these experiences of guys who spent lifetimes in the woods (read Poz) when so much more could have been gathered from them. Jim's stories connect us to real places in Montana with lion research and the impacts it made on management. The life of a biologist isn't often galmorous or glamorized, but he does a good job of making me wish I was there a couple of times.
The accounting of lion (Jim prefers puma) issues in the southern hemisphere shows us that management struggles are around the world and very similar to ours.

This isn't a text or resource for lion ecology, but if you're interested in lion huting and and Montana Hunting history, pick it up and don't let it sit for two years.
It's on the list. Jim is one of the finest resource managers I've ever met. R1 is super lucky to have him.
I got through this one a few years ago. Pretty great. I do wish we had some Cat management here in California though.

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