Poacher Faces Lifetime Hunting Ban for Assaulting Landowner


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2019

Young guy this time. He should be on a constant watchlist now. This isn't his first poaching offence, I hope they slap him with a lifetime hunting ban.
Dude is lucky he didn't get get a lifetime ban, from life.

This is borderline sociopathy, if not full blown. I'm sometimes a believer in prison being used to rehabilitate, but sometimes prison is simply a way to protect society from a menace, and that's exactly where this dude belongs.

But also, say what you want about his character, the guy straight kills monsters.
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He just was dumb enough to get caught.

There are folks who just love the thrill.
Dude is lucky he didn't get get a lifetime ban, from life.

This is borderline sociopathy, if not full blown. I'm sometimes a believer in prison being used to rehabilitate, but sometimes prison is simply a way to protect society from a menace, and that's exactly where this dude belongs.

But also, say what you want about his character, the guy straight kills monsters.
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Wild eagle? As opposed to someone’s captive house pet eagle?
Guys doesn’t care about seasons they should slap a anklet on his ass from sept to Jan every year