Turkey Virgin


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I have yet to bag a gobbler, I have been a few times but most of that was just walking around and playing with a box call. I am commiting my spring to getting one. I have most of the necessary equipment, I am just looking for advice. Is it better to roost one the night before, what do you look for when scouting(that kind of stuff)?? Also, does anyone have any advice as how to use a diaphram or tube call. I do pretty well with the box and slate, but the others give me trouble. Soon as green up starts I AM gonna find some birds!!! Just hope I don't get shot!!(Public land)
1_pointer, I have already started scouting for spring season. Right now the food supply is thin and they have to hit fields to eat. You can watch fields during the day or walk through the woods and look for scratchings like a chicken. Turkey crap will be whiteish in color and a gobblers will be in a J shape.(Well thats what I have been told.) I can't prove it but, I have seen J shaped crap in the woods. Just don't know if it came from a gobbler.
The best way to scout before season is go out at day light and listen for them to gobble on the roost. Take an owl hoot or some other locator and blow it and listen. They should start gobbeling some time in March.
A tom will have strut zones. He will visit these zones most every day until he finds some hens and then he will still visit them, just not as much. If you can find these zones, you are in business. Start scouting early. Watch the birds in your area and find there patterns. They will roost in the same general area if there is plenty of food and are not disturbed. Knowing where they are roosted is a big plus. You can locate them the same way in the evening as in the mournings by useing a locator call late. Turkeys are not as vocal during the evening as they are mourning so go out early.
Hunting on public land is going to be tough. You really need to do your scouting and get your bird early. The longer it takes the harder they will be to kill.
Diaphram calls a trickey to use. Place the call in the roof of your mouth and apply pressure to the reads with your tounge. Then say CHICK CHICK CHICK or TURK TURK TURK. Start the word chick with allot of pressure and end up with little or no pressure. This should give you the high low sound of a yelp. If you have confidence in your box and slate calls you don't need any other calls.
If you have any other questions just post them and I will try to help.

[This message has been edited by Mountain Boomer (edited 12-28-2000).]
I do have a few places where I see turkeys quite regularly in the fall(deer hunting). Would this be a good place to start, or do Turkeys spring and fall areas differ quite a bit? I did see one gobbler this fall, and he was big!! He's beard damn near raked the leaves when he walked!! I will put in some leg work as soon as I get back home. Thanks.
1-pointer, Yes, it certainly would be a good place to start. I wouldn't be surprised though if the birds aren't there come spring. But, they may be. Turkeys definitely can use different areas in the winter than in the spring. I believe it has to do with their food sources. In the winter, food is more scarce and they will travel greater distances to find it. Just keep your eyes open and as spring gets closer, try going out at first light and listening for gobbling from the roost. Once you hear them gobbling, concentrate on scouting those areas. Try not to disturb the birds in or near their roosts or they will soon leave. If you want to scout the roost area, wait till later in the day, after they have left, to go check it out. Turkey hunting is a real kick in the butt. I enjoy it because there is so much strategy involved. You are always trying to out guess and out maneuver ole Tom. Most of the time he wins, but once in awhile, you put it all together and things work the way they are supposed to. Good luck. SR
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