Recent content by ismith

  1. ismith

    The question "Why?"

    Well, see, it’s like a democratic oath, but made by Hippos. So you see, we’re almost a Hippocratcy. Just a few more years……..
  2. ismith

    The question "Why?"

  3. ismith

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    Are there no socialist think tanks or would you rather not mention them?
  4. ismith

    Old scopes... that work

    I put a Redfield Wideview 3x9 back on my old Remington M700 classic recently. That’s what it had on it when I killed my first two bucks with it. I think I’ll get another to put on my Dads old 338 Win mag. Great scope, no issues.
  5. ismith

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    Gun market is super soft right now.
  6. ismith

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Lark nest.
  7. ismith

    The question "Why?"

    Same reason cattle breed associations record teat size and udder shape after calving, albeit more unconsciously. Female nipples a used in reproduction, male nipples aren’t. Therefore female nipples are taboo. Don’t have a clue why ankles used to have to be covered though.
  8. ismith

    The question "Why?"

    Because you’re old and have nothing better to do on a Sunday morning, just like me?
  9. ismith

    Great Social Media posts?

    This is why I’m drifting more to double gun birder snob.
  10. ismith

    Great Social Media posts?

    Is that Buzz?
  11. ismith

    Friday tunage - Get me through this day

    This one? Best country song of all time!
  12. ismith

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    Biden shit his pants l! Sell! Sell! Sell!
  13. ismith

    Pack out pics

    Here’s one…..

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