Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by lynlan1819

  1. L

    Nevada Area 24

    The small hills don't have numbers like in Vietnam,so okay glass Hill 391.
  2. L

    Oregon vs Nevada, what’s better value?

    Nevada has tons of deer,so I think Nevada would be better,also doesn't take but a few points to draw a Buck tag.
  3. L

    Nevada Area 24

    Liot's of huge deer in that area,right out in the high desert, glass the hillsides for sure.
  4. L

    Alaska's Rivers Of Rust.

    Oh man,wonder what the Asians are going to do when the seafood starts seriously going bye bye.
  5. L

    West coast salmon recovery

    Nobody to blame but our own no balls government that is afraid of hurting China's feelings.
  6. L

    Is rock climbing compatible with Wilderness designation

    Yeap,Americans need too stop all the destruction of our parks and Nature areas.
  7. L

    Montana People - Have You Seen This Man

    Tons of them living on the side of the roads in vans also. Montana is now getting all the homeless thanks to Yellowstone.
  8. L

    Is rock climbing compatible with Wilderness designation

    Rock climbing should be illegal,as they leave junk attached to rocks that destroy the beauty of the mountains,just like offroading.
  9. L

    Red tide in Florida

    Nobody is touching the sugar industry, so don't bother as the owners have every single politician bought.
  10. L

    Montana People - Have You Seen This Man

    Most likely he is a member here on this site.
  11. L

    Shed poacher

    Personally the whole idea of it being illegal picking up a bone from animal that sheds them every year too me, seems like the government/Wildlife dept. only cares about getting THEIR share of the money like usual.
  12. L

    Gophers Are Out

    Very nice Weatherby
  13. L

    Wolves in Nevada???

    Wolves have the right too live anywhere,if they kill other animals,well that's what Wolves do,geez.
  14. L

    Nevada - Is it Worth it?

    Simple,he doesn't want competition, so he talks down about Nevada.
  15. L

    Nevada - Is it Worth it?

    That's okay,thousands of other hunters thank you.
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