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    WVTXn reacted to Jamen's post in the thread Sig Sauer Rangefinder with Like Like.
    I have a sig can't remember which one, I have had no issues. I always read Leica makes one of the best rangefinders
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    WVTXn reacted to SD_Prairie_Goat's post in the thread Sig Sauer Rangefinder with Like Like.
    I have a sig. Like it well enough. Does better than my old bushnell. Always figure it can only range about half the quoted distance...
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    WVTXn posted the thread Sig Sauer Rangefinder in Optics.
    Anyone have any experience or recommendations pertaining to Sig Sauer Rangefinders? I'm looking at the Kilo3k, Kilo2800 & Canyon. I know...
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    WVTXn replied to the thread Protection in bear country.
    Again........? Fine...... I just hire ninjas as bodyguards.
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    WVTXn reacted to Flatbrimmer's post in the thread Wrangler ATG? with Like Like.
    I’ve owned like 4-5 pair of the atgs. I like how stretchy they are and they dry super quick if you’re not wearing cotton long John’s...
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    WVTXn reacted to Joseph Peterson's post in the thread Buying binos sucks with Like Like.
    Most of you will think I am crazy, but I carry two binoculars while guiding. A Lecia 10 X 42 that I have used for over 20 years and a...
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    WVTXn replied to the thread Wrangler ATG?.
    I bought a pair of Costco lined pants earlier this past year. Haven't tried them out yet.
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    WVTXn reacted to MThuntr's post in the thread Wrangler ATG? with Like Like.
    I wear them Spring to October. So far so good. As mentioned they're not as good as the high end stuff but for the price pretty good. I...
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    WVTXn reacted to Bowmannate2000's post in the thread Wrangler ATG? with Like Like.
    They will work for early season well. I've had a couple stitching issues, but for the most part they do what I need them to do.
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    WVTXn reacted to gwhunter's post in the thread Wrangler ATG? with Like Like.
    For $30/pair, they bat above their price point. Don't hold a candle to the premium clothing, but it's good enough for weekend chores...
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    Anyone have any experience with Wrangler ATG pants? They seem to be reasonably priced. Although, that could be for a reason? Kinda...
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    WVTXn reacted to Chingon's post in the thread Buying binos sucks with Like Like.
    I've been using the same regular AA battery for a couple weeks worth of hunting. Practically a non-issue. If the battery dies they just...
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    WVTXn replied to the thread Buying binos sucks.
    Good info. Thanks! I take it that they require batteries? Long battery life?
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    WVTXn reacted to Chingon's post in the thread Buying binos sucks with Like Like.
    The Zulu 6HD 16 power. The glass is "good" but not alpha, but the image stabilization makes it stomp all over alpha glass when handheld...
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    WVTXn replied to the thread Buying binos sucks.
    What model Sigs?

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