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    2024 Javelina Hunt

    My wife and I were able to start off 2024 by arrowing these AZ Javelina. Looks like we’ll have lots of Chorizo this year!

    2023 Archery Coues Buck

    Not a bad start to 2023… best so far…..very narrow, but heavy.

    2023 AZ Javelina Double

    My wife and I got lucky and arrowed two Javelina seconds apart. Both ended up being good sized boars. Perfect to make lots of chorizo!

    AZ to Limit NR Archery-Only Deer Tags

    Besides a newly implemented harvest threshold for each respective unit this year, the Commission will also begin to limit the amount of non-resident, over-the counter, archery-only deer tags beginning January 1, 2023. Here is a portion of the letter sent to non-residents who have previously...

    P&Y Announces World’s Record Typical Velvet Mule Deer

    New World Record! Typical Velvet Mule Deer Topping the Charts as New World Record On Saturday, May 14th, Pope and Young convened a Special Panel of Judges in Ogden, UT for a potential World’s Record Typical Velvet Mule Deer. Bowdy Gardner’s Typical Velvet Mule Deer scored an...

    2017 CA Archery Bear (pic)

    I was fortunate enough to sneak up on this big ol' bruin this week (November 20th) while hunting deer in Northern California. An arrow from 23 yards did the trick......huge head on this bear that also had an incredible color phase coat.

    CA Turkey Double-Archery Style (pics)

    With all the kids grown, my wife decided she wants to get back into archery......and bowhunting. Looks like my regular hunting buddy will have to make some room. :) We took a long ride to Northern California to hunt with some good friends who know turkeys very well. After a few 'practice'...

    My First Whitetail (pics)

    Well, I finally did it.........I actually hunted whitetail deer. It's been on my bucket list to do for a few years now, but for some reason I've always veered back towards the mule deer. Well, after getting an invite from a good friend that I know from Pope & Young, my buddy and I (Ed...

    P&Y Convention 2015-Phoenix

    Anyone attending the P&Y Convention this April (15-18) in Phoenix? It will be a great convention with many bowbenders throughout the nation and other parts of the world where bowhunting is popular. I leave this Wednesday (25th) for Phoenix to conduct the panel measurement on all the top heads...
  10. BOHNTR

    CA Archery Turkey (pics)

    Last weekend I was able to travel up to the northern portion of the Golden State to bowhunt turkeys with some friends. After experiencing a few call shy birds, I did what I do best.....stalked in on this 5 year old gobbler (their estimate). One arrow at 28 yards did the trick. He had over a...
  11. BOHNTR

    2012 Archery Elk (pics)

    Here's a freaky bull elk I arrowed in AZ a few days back at 33 yards as he was raking a tree and fending off satellite bulls. He's a unique old bull that G&F estimated to be 8.5 years old. Absolutely the biggest bodied elk I've ever arrowed estimated by the meat locker to be 750 pounds. I'm...
  12. BOHNTR

    CA Archery Gobblers (pics)

    Last weekend I was invited to bowhunt with two veteran archery turkey hunters from the Northern half of the Golden State. What an incredible weekend! My hunts didn't last very long, as I arrowed a good gobbler (9" beard 1" spurs) Saturday morning 10 minutes into my morning hunt after Chris and...
  13. BOHNTR

    CA Bobcat Mount

    Looks like my 2010 archery bobcat is done, as the taxidermist sent me photos of my bobcat mount. Cats are difficult to re-create for many taxidermist, so I did a little checking around and found a taxidermist down in El Centro (Breck Dickinson) that has a reputation for doing good cat work...
  14. BOHNTR

    Some CA Mule Deer (pics)

    Here's some California mule deer I photographed over the long Thanksgiving weekend. The wife, kids and I had our annual turkey diner in the trailer at the base of the Eastern Sierra Mountain Range. Got to love marrying a lady from Wyoming who doesn't mind fixing holiday supper in the trailer...
  15. BOHNTR

    2011 AZ Coues Deer (pics)

    Well, after 25+ consecutive years of chasing mule deer in August, I was prepared to hike into a wilderness in CO to make my annual quest. However, after a buddy of mine scouted the bowls I was going to hunt, he only saw a handful of bucks, with the biggest somewhere in the low 160’s. I wasn’t...
  16. BOHNTR

    Hey Big Fin

    Check your inbox please.
  17. BOHNTR

    CA Coyote.....archery style

    With nothing really going on this weekend (except some college homework), I decided to go out and try calling some predators this morning. A quick 15 minute drive from my house here in the desert, and I started calling. I managed to call this song dog in and stick him at 35 yards. I'm really...
  18. BOHNTR

    AZ Mule Deer/Javelina Hunt (pics)

    Just got back from my annual Arizona archery desert mule deer hunt. Since I had a 2010 tag, I headed over a few days early (27th) with the hopes of tagging a buck before the end of the year. After a few close encounters, I ended up arrowing this 24” wide 3x4 on the last day of the season...
  19. BOHNTR

    CA Desert Coyote (pics)

    Went out this morning in Mojave desert near my house with the hopes of calling in a coyote close enough to take with my bow and arrow. Figured it would be a good tune-up for next week's Arizona archery deer trip. At the second stand area, this male yote came trotting on in looking for an easy...
  20. BOHNTR

    Live CA Mule Deer (pics)

    Took the wife and kids up to the Sierras this week to enjoy a bit of predator calling......and most of all photograph some Golden State mule deer. Here's a few photos of some bucks.....nothing like the Strip or Henries, but decent bucks for these parts. Hope you enjoy...
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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