Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

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  1. B

    Electric fence for backcountry bear safety?

    I'm plotting a weeklong packrafting trip in grizzly country. Seriously considering a backcountry hot fence to keep bears out of camp. Weight is an issue. Anyone have any experience with electric fencing, as opposed to bear bags, hanging food, etc. Enlighten me before I open my wallet...
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    Fierce Competition on the MeatEater Trivia show

    I've been having fun promoting my new book, The Hunter & Angler Field Guide to Raising Hell. Rinella invited me to plug it on the MeatEater Trivia Show. It was a lot more fun to play in real life than at home. Kinda like aiming at a big buck instead of just shooting at the target range...
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    Raising Hell on BHA's Podcast & Blast

    I've enjoyed discussing my new book The Hunter & Angler Field Guide to Raising Hell on various podcasts, including Randy's. But here is a recent conversation I had with the legendary Hal Herring at BHA's Podcast and Blast. You may enjoy it...
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    Spending money on kids

    A thought on home economics. I am currently hosting my 11 year old nephew and a friend for the weekend. For his birthday, he wanted to go to a local 'fun park." I coughed up $100 and we did the maze, bumper boats, go-carts, mini-golf in the sweltering heat. Fun enough at the time but everyone...
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    MT bow season for moose or goats?

    I just got a survey from FWP asking my opinion about creating an archery season for moose and goats. What do you think? I said I was cool on the idea. I mean, what's the gain? The seasons are already long and the numbers are limtied by the draw, so why create a new carve out for archery hunts...
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    Hot off the Press: Field Guide To Raising Hell

    Hey all. I wanted to let you know about the new book I've just written. It's called Hunter & Angler Field Guide To Raising Hell. It is a primer to successful conservation politics, from a hunter/angler perspective. It's basically lessons I have learned in 25 years in the conservation trenches...
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    FWP Regs complicit in wounding loss?

    I was very much interested in Randy's recent podcast and the ensuing thread on wounding loss. I try to stay off my high horse, but I was struck when I stopped by FWP to pick up the 2023 regulations booklet. On the back cover was an ad for Vortex scopes (and Bob Wards) with the words "Everything...
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    MT Leg 2023 Attack on Access, Timber, Habitat

    https://montanafreepress.org/2023/02/22/legislature-conservation-easement-change/ Here's a good bill to contact your legislator about. One lawmaker is trying to gut FWP's ability to hold conservation easements. These agreements have locked in hundreds of thousands of acres of access for...
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    Have you noticed elk dialects?

    A recent piece I wrote for MeatEater. Turns out elk bugle in dialects. Have you noticed them in your hunts? https://www.themeateater.com/hunt/elk/study-elk-bugle-in-local-dialects
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    My latest for MeatEater: The sordid tale of Letterman Buck

    https://www.themeateater.com/conservation/wildlife-management/the-letterman-buck A trophy with a goofy back story. Enjoy.
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    Keep active, keep young

    So I'm in Idaho visiting my folks on the family farm. Help my dad put up some firewood maybe help him hang a whitetail buck. He's 88, Mom's 89, and still going strong. Then he wakes me up at 5 a.m. His tongue is swollen so big he cannot talk, cannot swallow. Uh oh. We drive ASAP 20 miles to the...
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    B&C Rub tree?

  13. B

    Help me find a moose camp near Dillon MT?

    Hey folks. I'm planning for an extended moose hunt in the Pioneers. Unit 324. I've got some leads on places to look for a moose but I'm trying to find a place to pitch my tipi. I'm aiming near Dillon MT. A USFS campground with pit toilets and water would be nice but not necessary. If you have...
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    BHA awards scholarships to kids with disabilities

    https://www.backcountryhunters.org/bha_awards_scholarships_to_three_deserving_recipients Some of you donated to the fund BHA created in my son Aidan's name. Thanks for doing that! BHA recently issued the first of three awards to young people with disabilities, to remove obstacles so the kids...
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    Irresponsible public land shooters

    I am an avid public lands shooter and have written about how to do so in Outdoor Life and other mags. Seriously, though, I think the Gun Idiots are going to undermine this privilege. My wife and I were camped alongside the S. Fork of the Teton River before the July 4 holiday. We were dispersed...
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    Uff da! Spoilt meat.

    Oh man. I HATE wasting meat. Last night I discovered my wife had accidentally unplugged the deep freeze. About two weeks ago. Messy, sad job hauling a cut-and-wrapped whitetail buck and several pounds of elk to the dumpster. Took me a while to cool down. How does one prevent that from happening...
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    What do I need to know about Moose

    OK. I've taken my share of elk and deer, but I drew my first moose tag this year for the Pioneers in Montana. What do I need to know? I've been around moose a lot, seen a lot of them, had some closer run-ins with rutting bulls and mad mama moose. I've packed out maybe 20 elk on my back, so I...
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    Thoughts on New Conservation Group

    Saw this new twist on the Theodore Roosevelt Legacy. Thoughts? Can anyone translate the Latin motto? https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/announcement-of-the-new-conservation-organization-the-international-order-of-t-roosevelt-301535542.html https://t-roosevelt.org/
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    Standard rounds through a 30-06 AI?

    A friend of mine has a 30-06 AI he inherited from a friend. He's got a supply of hand-loads from that friend, but is not a handloader himself. Given the current ammo shortage, he asked me what is the consequence of firing standard 06 ammo through an AI. I know it will reshape the brass. But is...
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    Prove me wrong Theoretical 30-06

    If I waved my magic wand and changed the caliber of every rifle used in elk hunting to a 30-06, all else remaining the same, the overall success rate of elk hunters would remain essentially unchanged. True of false?