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  1. T

    Can someone explain to me why ice fishing is so boom or bust?

    I ask this here because I have recently started ice fishing as a serious endeavor for the first time in my life at a lake near where I am temporarily living in Colorado. In these lakes I'm mostly catching lake trout but there are also browns, rainbows and the occasional pike. I feel that I have...
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    The snobification of the Outdoors

    As I work remotely from a rented condo in the mountains that allows me to snowboard and ice fish during the shoulder season of my industry, I saw this video come up. I'm not sure what the point was exactly, but the gist was that corporate consumerism has really infiltrated the outdoors...
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    My 2022 Elk hunt

    Happy friday everyone, I haven't been much more than a lurker lately (other than the occasional smartass comment) but I thought I'd take a minute here to add something good to the world wide web for once. So grab your reading glasses, get comfortable in your office chair, and make sure your boss...
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    Truck Camping meal prep

    What are some meals that y'all would recommend to be made to prepare for a hunt that ideally can be vac-sealed and frozen before the trip? The ideal meal would be - cost friendly - taste good - easy to make I suppose having high fiber content would also be nice since we'd probably be living...
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    What do you do with your old bows?

    When I was 14 or so, I bought what was at the time a 10 year old bow from a pawn shop. I then shot my first deer with it a few years later and proceeded to shoot more big game animals with it than any of my rifles. I have quite sentimental value with this thing, but unfortunately I decided...
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    Sagebrush or Timber Country

    Hey guys, this may be sort of a dumb question, but doing some E scouting getting ready for colorado's 3rd season, I just wanted some input from y'all. With the later season dates, and the current weather situation, if y'all had to pick where to start your hunt, would y'all pick the sagebrush...
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    LL Bean and other puffys

    Hey guys, in anticipation for a this season I'm looking at getting a puffy jacket. I looked at the first lite uncompaghre (or however it's spelled) but then noticed that LL Bean has some puffy jackets for half the price. Does anyone have any experience with them? I'd really like to try them on...
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    Anybody from Kansas City?

    I have a potential opportunity to move to that city for work soon, if I do move, it will likely be on the Kansas side of the river. If anybody is a local please feel free to chime in. My main real questions are 1) How's the hunting 2) How's the fishing 3) How's the night life for a single man...
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    If you could go back to age 25

    If you could go back to your mid 20's and be single, no kids, no debt, and have a bachelors degree, what would you do? Would you start a business, go back to school, runaway and make a living as a drifting hunting guide? Just curious as to what everyone would say since hunting season is just...
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    Does Wyoming's new elk results date change your plans?

    As the title says, is this going to change anyone's plans? Apparently for non resident elk draw, the application is still required to be put in by the 31st of January, but we will not know the results of them until mid may. Source...
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    Colorado hunters- did the state survey you about harvest success?

    I just received an email asking me to take a harvest success survey. I recall that one of the criticisms of the CPW is that they do a bad job a calculating hunter success. Maybe they're implementing a new electronic way to resolve that?
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    Randy: How about posting a timeline?

    Something I always do is whenever watching these videos is try to figure out when they happened (seeing as how it's usually after the fact on a rainy day when I have time and binge watch a bunch) I think it would be cool to document the journey in the form of a timeline posted somewhere that...
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    Carrying Duck decoys

    How does everyone carry their duck decoys? I'm looking at trying a new way to carry them in, and a mesh bag slung to my back is getting old
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    Does average rainfall affect when the rut is?

    Something I just though about is this: deer rut in a fashion to allow their offspring to be born at the optimal time for survival. That time is usually when it will allow for the lactating doe to have the best caloric intake, which is usually in the spring green up. Therefore if the beginning...
  15. T

    Hopefully I don't freeze

    Well folks, I'm a little less than a month away from 3rd rifle season, and I have about as sweet of a deer tag that you can draw for 2nd choice in Colorado. So, I figured, why the heck not start a live thread. I really haven't done much to prepare yet, but with the weeks drawing closer I have...
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    Hiking in from across unit borders

    Hey guys, quick question- I'm fairly certain it is legal to do so, but I have a feeling it's probably one of those things that can be kinda grey in the eyes of a game warder, so before I bother the already understaffed government agency with my questions, I figured I would run it by y'all...
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    Clear the freezer challenge (need recipes)

    Hey guys, I need some inspiration. I recently took an inventory of what I have left in the freezer, and am hoping to get most of it gone by the time hunting season is in full swing. I usually don't have a problem eating 2-3 wild game dinners a week, but with hunting season around the corner, I...
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    Thank you BHA

    I gotta figure out how I can help these guys out, because they just helped out my 2019-2020 bird hunting season.
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    Anyone want to split a camp in the Routte National forest 3rd rifle?

    Hey guys, I drew a buck tag for unit fifteen in colorado for the 3rd season. I really don't want to spend the money on a hotel and I would feel better about camping if I joined up with some folks so we can watch each others backs and such. We don't have to hunt together, but I do have a big...
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    Woulda been a big one next year

    Got my antelope back from the taxidermist. Now I'm wishing I would have drawn a tag for one this year, but I suppose chasing mule deer instead will be pretty fun! For those with a tag here's something to get you excited

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