Caribou Gear

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  1. J

    And the lies continue..

    10 yrs ago I would’ve disagreed with you but MTFWP has done the “hold my beer and watch this so often” I believe you are correct…
  2. J

    Shed poacher

    To be fair, he’s got to compete with all the other unemployed shed-poacher methheads and the game wardens….
  3. J

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    This all sounds great. Definitely changes that need to happen. Great job to those involved. Serious question though, is there a snowball’s chance in hell fwp will adopt this?
  4. J

    Stop Blaming Conservation Orgs

    Well said
  5. J

    FILM act

    Whatever dude
  6. J

    FILM act

    Good old boys grazing the public lands I hunt haven’t attracted double or more the amount of “hunters” in the last 10 years. I’ll take them over Randy, Rinnella, Matzinger, etc any day,”.
  7. J

    FILM act

    Wild Sheep will never get one penny from me if this is their stance. Influencers and hunting show hosts filming content then whoring it around have done more to screw over my hunting spots in 10 yrs than all the other issues we face have in 30 yrs. ZERO commercial filming on public would be...
  8. J

    Hunting in Harmony?

    I can tell you from experience, having a wife or SO that doesn’t understand your need to get outdoors is one of the worst predicaments you can find yourself in. Thoroughly vet that shit BEFORE the “I do.” That’s the best way to hunt in harmony.
  9. J

    The End

    No doubt you believed this when Trump was in office too, right?
  10. J

    Grazing fees, the economics of elk and cattle

    True story! A few of my Econ classes in college studied effect of govt involvement in markets. Cliff notes version: producers are better off without govt involvement, but consumers could face more volatile price fluctuations.
  11. J

    Grazing fees, the economics of elk and cattle

    As far as where my tax$$$ go, its way down the list of worries
  12. J

    Grazing fees, the economics of elk and cattle

    Well, go start lobbying to do away with our food industry/infrastructre… make sure to call everyone a fatass while you’re at it. Maybe in 50 years your hunting will get better on public land?
  13. J

    Public School Woes

    The “rest at home” part is severely lacking nowadays, unfortunately
  14. J

    Grazing fees, the economics of elk and cattle

    It’s funny… your post reminds me of all the jack heads advocating eating “caveman” diets and “primal” living. What’d the average caveman live to be, like 25? Average frontiersman, 35?
  15. J

    Metalworking Hunttalkers!

    Don’t know how I missed this. Amazing work!
  16. J

    Public School Woes

    My lady has taught for 20 yrs. Currently teaching in a local public school I can’t believe the stuff that goes on anymore.
  17. J

    Grazing fees, the economics of elk and cattle

    Geezuz…. What a triggered fest. I think all Eric Albus was saying was that most of society produces nothing as far as FOOD. It does seem like we’ve become a nation that likes to bitch about where our food comes from… the same time with a full mouth.
  18. J

    Grazing fees, the economics of elk and cattle

    Energy Green energy Banking Real estate Municipal construction
  19. J

    Grazing fees, the economics of elk and cattle

    More fly shit for you…. google “Fred King Wall Creek grazing” Articles talk about a small area that benefit one or two ungulates