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    Turkeys!!! Let’s see them!

    As a 410 fan I like this!

    Turkeys!!! Let’s see them!

    After a LOT of work my son finally got one! We worked our butts off to get this guy to 10 yards and my son dumped him!

    2023/2024 Trapping Thread

    I really struggle to catch them at the top of the dam. Always a kit beaver seems like. Curious why you didn’t put it at the bottom in the fast water. Looks narrow. Too deep?

    Red Sea Liveaboard Scuba Diving "Semi-Live" (Pic Heavy):

    Wow! I can’t swim but this makes me want to start! What a cool experience. Thanks for sharing.

    Caribou drop camp report

    I’ll shoot ya a PM, nevermind looks like you can’t receive PM’s. Those guys rent fences up there so I’d put my name on one if I were you. They are changing their flight schedule up but there’s an intermediate strip in the mountains that they “may” drop you off at. The ones the drop you off...

    2023/2024 Trapping Thread

    Pulled the traps in that swamp where we got a few big ones. Started catching smaller ones and I want to keep some around for future seasons. Might throw a couple sets out this weekend but I think it’s time to swap over to fishing.

    2023/2024 Trapping Thread

    Got a nice one the other night! 63lb after it was dry. Lighter than I thought but the body was huge. Wider across than me! I skinned it with the tail on so we will see how that looks after the tanning.

    Ethics of removing tree stands from public land

    Got two different answers so decided I’d set the stands on the ground and keep them from killing the tree. First warden was the retired guy who said they are “litter” and second said I don’t care but if another warden sees you, they will probably write you a ticket. So at the end of the day...

    NR DIY Caribou Hunt

    I went last fall, one regret was not bringing better rain gear. Mine was rubber and I was sweating like crazy. An electric fence(which transporter rents) was a great peace of mind because there were lots of bears. I’m also very glad we had a spotting scope vs just binos. Good luck! I hope...

    Chicago Basin Colorado fishing help

    Would you recommend anything other than some spinners? The one and only time I fished Colorado, I used some black and yellow panther martins behind our hotel and did pretty well.

    Chicago Basin Colorado fishing help

    I have never done much hiking in Colorado but I’m headed out there late July. There’s several 14ers there just north of Durango and we are going to spend a few nights there around needle creek. I took a look at the Colorado fish atlas and it doesn’t show anything in the area. I’m curious if...

    2023/2024 Trapping Thread

    Took the young man out for a trapping lesson. Too bad he’s not big enough to carry them out! Dad had to carry three beavers and a stack of traps. But I loved every minute of it.

    Ethics of removing tree stands from public land

    Talked to a retired warden, he said don’t waste their time by calling them in. Do what we want with them. Maybe he said that because he’s retired 😂. I have to go check some otters in at the field office, so I’ll get with them and find out when I’m there.

    Ethics of removing tree stands from public land

    Out of curiosity, I’ll give the local warden a call and see what their position is on this sort of thing. I’ve heard plenty of other people claim they’ve had the warden’s tell them to take the stands down but I’ll hear it for myself.

    Ethics of removing tree stands from public land

    I’m interested to hear others opinions on this. Here in Michigan, after a certain date, they are considered litter. I just took a walk and found 3 ladder stands and 2 climbing sticks. No names on any of them which is also illegal. A couple have been there a while but most are from this past...

    Arizona 5b put up or shutup.

    Don’t they spell it Elg? Sorry, had to be a smart A$$.

    Arizona 10% cap on Nonresidents

    I enjoy looking at the last post, then guessing what the first post was about. This one really threw me off Elkmagnet. Also from 2006!?!

    24 AK results...

    Fail, no limited moose tag for me 😢

    Is he a Bot or a real person?

    I’m crying with laughter after reading the comment about Nair and that cat followed by Johnny 5 hammering though those pages. This really is getting out of hand.