Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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  1. bmt99

    Anybody have luck in the elk draw?

    I have been out for a while dealing with a neck issue. Come back to find out I drew an archery tag at the same time as finding out I am losing strength in my right arm in addition to the pain in my arm and Dr says I need surgery to fix a disc (replace or fuse). Talk about highs and lows. Still...
  2. bmt99

    8 years after back injury

    did you end up going surgery route?
  3. bmt99

    March Madness 2024 - Hunt Talk Group

    that didn't take long to go south for me...
  4. bmt99

    What are you currently reading?

    Oh...and Marine Sniper 93 Confirmed kills and Ghost Mountain Boys (true story) by James Campbell. Grandpa was a soldier in the second book.
  5. bmt99

    What are you currently reading?

    Smith Wigglesworth - Ever Increasing Faith. With the disc injury and associated nerve pain I am currently dealing with, I tend to turn towards books like this and/or the Bible. Need to do much better about that when I am feeling good but that is another post.
  6. bmt99

    2024 - Bryan's Season of Redemption. A Live Feed

    All that is understandable. Choices, consequences, economy, etc. Some are in your control and some are not. Sounds like your wife is supportive and that is incredibly helpful. I can't imagine how hard it would be if she wasn't. Count your blessings. I know I count mine even in bad times...can...
  7. bmt99

    OnX going away?

    ummm...yeah that doesn't look good. I may discontinue my auto renew and do it manually when more information comes available.
  8. bmt99

    Who is @Bill Cristy ?

    I had to google what "NFC" meant and I have to admit there were some funny ones. Here I assume No Flipping Clue and not No Fat Chicks. :LOL:
  9. bmt99

    Finally first Elk hunt, harder than you think!!!

    I had a watch notification setup for this post to know when the story was posted. That sucks no response. @Nameless Range I know I PM'd you but it was not specifically hunting related and I appreciated the quick response and conversation.
  10. bmt99

    Good guns done dirt cheap

    I lost all my rifles in an unfortunate boating accident. But before that, I had ordered a rifle special just to get a good wood stock because I preferred the look and feel. Couldn't find one that looked like what I wanted otherwise. Nostalgia maybe. But then again, my first gun was $125 and I...
  11. bmt99

    Question About Hiring

    Comments in this thread turned personal quick. Some rightfully so, some just because people get too offended too easily. I have tattoos. Depending on who I am meeting or consulting, I cover them up with longer sleeves. My brother has tattoos over a large part of his body. He works with teenagers...
  12. bmt99

    Jetstream vs. Dakota Hoody

    I was surprised how warm I could be with the jetstream. Blocking the wind was huge and I liked the lack of bulk. Wind is a big consideration for me living in SD. With one layer it will take me to 10 or so. I have fairly nice warmth layers if things get really cold.
  13. bmt99

    Hot sauce!

    You guys go hard core. My stomach hurts reading some of these. I really just like siracha, franks red hot and recently started using Tabenero Siracha Honey on eggs which is really good! Whenever I try some of those really hot ones, I have hours long regret. haha!
  14. bmt99

    GMC 3.0 Duramax vs 6.6 Duramax

    Based on all these specs of the 3.0, seems better to go to 6.2L! 🙂 I did not want the multi-use tailgate but I have sure come to like it.
  15. bmt99

    What The Hell is Science-Based Management?

    I am sure you are right.
  16. bmt99

    What The Hell is Science-Based Management?

    Social SCIENCE! Montanans love wolves :LOL:
  17. bmt99

    What The Hell is Science-Based Management?

    I know this was over 20 years ago for me but I was required to do just that in starting engineering grad school. So was everyone else that I was going to school with. Then we had research and experiments to attempt to prove and/or disprove the hypothesis. Then defend the thesis to get the piece...
  18. bmt99

    What The Hell is Science-Based Management?

    Unfortunately, they do not all use the scientific method. I know at least one wildlife biologist very well and he is hamstrung to very specific topics and not able to spend time needed to use the scientific method. Unfortunately, he and many others get their paychecks as a checkmark for logging...
  19. bmt99

    What The Hell is Science-Based Management?

    I believe it has to include social science because at social science core is the study of our behavior and our influence to the world around us. I am an engineer by trade and my brothers are both in social sciences. It has caused many disagreements but through mutual respect, we have agreed some...
  20. bmt99

    The game is changing

    With all of this, our family has a password for any phone call emergencies. It is something we implemented a couple years ago but it was the only way I could think of to thwart even some percentage of this. With my first born going to college in about a year, this will become more important to...