Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. Dsnow9

    App Season Lull

    you really dug that one up! This thread is 9 years old!
  2. Dsnow9

    Good news for Wy unit 7 elk hunters

    Yep, just confirmed it. Not all type 8 but that one in 7 specifically.
  3. Dsnow9

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    You wanted attention, and now you got it. Are you complaining about the attention now? Your worse than a 16 year old girl.
  4. Dsnow9

    Cot Suggestions for Tepee Tent

    I think it has potential but I need to break it in more. I only have 3 nights on it so far so it’s still pretty stiff. At this point I’d still lean towards pad in the backcountry because I’m a side sleeper and it’s a tad narrow for how I like to sleep. I like to throw my extra large foam pad on...
  5. Dsnow9

    WY draw results elk 2024

    I’m going to come shoot two calves, one on a general tag and one on a type six. And hopefully some antelope does! I can drop off a hat for you on my way out of town though! I’m sure you’ll fit right in around town! 😉
  6. Dsnow9

    Cot Suggestions for Tepee Tent

    I have one of those cots that I use in the bed of my truck on top of my decked system. Probably one of the only cots that would work in the teepee. The walls just taper to quickly for any regular height cot
  7. Dsnow9

    Great Social Media posts?

  8. Dsnow9

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    Not a wrap. Up close it looks like the paint was poured straight out of a bucket.
  9. Dsnow9

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    How do you think I met the people I’m hunting with. Usually a thread like this. Get way off topic and then have something to build a friendship off of. The more you are around the more you will meet people and get to know others. At this point I think I’ve met 10-12 ht guys. Given a lot of help...
  10. Dsnow9

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    No I’m f’ing crazy! I’m swing around in the wind 80’ up in a tree with a chainsaw 6” from major arteries. And I can take anything you can throw at me but words are just that, words. I’ll rip on myself before anyone else has a chance and then come back around and make you want a safe space from...
  11. Dsnow9

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    Well yeah you got me there!
  12. Dsnow9

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    Just because I wear a pink doesn’t mean I would give any of you whiney little bitches the time of day. But if your referring to who would hunt with me you better be willing to do a lot of stupid shit, work harder than you “need” to, take a relentless beading and mocking, and then be ok with...
  13. Dsnow9

    A little humour for your day

    Pegging is humorous when it didn’t happen to you! 😉
  14. Dsnow9

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    @Lov2hunt I am hunting with four different people this year I met because of the forum. But like anything we all only have so much free time and I’m not going to spend a week in the woods with someone I don’t know. That’s me time. I need to develop the relationship first. The first time you...
  15. Dsnow9

    A little humour for your day

    I know exactly what it means. And if you want to pull out definitions here that is fine. But then you would have to define “what is a woman?” It’s been a bit of a challenge in recent years. Even the newest Supreme Court justice couldn’t answer the question during her confirmation hearing. So...
  16. Dsnow9

    School Me on Hunting In Grizz Country

    Oh that’s good, I’ll be wearing a different hat this year!
  17. Dsnow9

    What is you "Happy Place"?

    Yep, I have third now as well. She is six weeks old. I’m now way out numbered!
  18. Dsnow9

    What is you "Happy Place"?

    My happy place is next to a fire! Doesn’t matter where, and my kids and wife have taken to feel the same way which is awesome! My 7 and 4 year old daughters ask almost daily if we can have a fire? The new rule is if they build the fire an I can light it goes up on the first shot we can have a...
  19. Dsnow9

    The limits of the 2nd Amendment

    Well in Colorado they are now giving illegal aliens drivers licenses if they had a drivers license in their home country. The amount of people that have not spoken any English in the gun stores lately is astonishing. All have pulled out their crisp, new, shiny drivers licenses and spent some coin. 🤯