Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. 1oldcoyote

    Fox pups

    The kits are a hoot to watch. I've observed quite a few litters over the yrs. The female being the primary caregiver & teacher of her kits. If she is killed & the kits are weaned(5 wks old). The male will take over her duties. I quit hunting them decades ago. Like a few others have remarked. I...
  2. 1oldcoyote

    The adult female

    I don't recall now where I read it. But one coyote hunter some years back. Actually believed & claimed. When a territorial pair make a large kill such as a deer. They will summon neighboring (non-related) coyotes to come to the feast. That was one of the most ignorant claims I've ever read. A...
  3. 1oldcoyote

    The adult female

    I read on a mens gas station bathroom wall in my youth. "The last living creatures on Earth, will be cockroaches & coyotes". I have no idea where that phrase came from. But I believe the author knew what he was talking about.
  4. 1oldcoyote

    The adult female

    Having watched many pairs & family groups of coyotes on the open foothills. Almost always, it is the adult female who is most wary. Whether she is with her mate or in a family group. She is the last coyote to lay her head down when they bed down & nap for the day. I can't say for a fact why that...
  5. 1oldcoyote

    Coyotes what are they thinking and why

    Coyotes are not a pack canine like wolves are. However, there are a few truths when seeing a group of coyotes. Such as; When they are together in a family group. Otherwise, during mating season. Lone males will/may run in a group. As they try to find a receptive female.
  6. 1oldcoyote

    Coyotes what are they thinking and why

    I've hunted coyotes since Winter of 1968. Over my yrs I have spent many hundreds of hours just observing their behaviors (un-pressured). I reckon I've observed well over 2 thousands coyotes in my hunt years. Some of which I killed or tried to kill. Otherwise I just observed them from a distance...
  7. 1oldcoyote

    Coyote findings;

    I believe every animal of every specie. Has it's "own" specific behaviors & temperments. I've seen that in domestic dogs. I also believe that is true in every coyote, wolf or fox. Speaking of wild canids. If adopted or owned early enough as pup. Can be domesticated to an extent. When I was a...
  8. 1oldcoyote

    Coyote findings;

    When a person speaks of their findings about the coyotes. Then expressing their findings as "factual". I take into consideration my own observations over many decades. Then compare what they claim to what I've seen. I've hunted coyotes, since Fall/Winter of 1968. I estimated I've observed well...
  9. 1oldcoyote

    Coyote findings;

    I'm making generalized questions I have had for many yrs. Not aimed at anyone here in particular. Because I do not know any Biologist off hand. Especially if any wild canid Biologist(s) may be a member on here. If said Biologist is one of a few. Who has made those personal claims/findings. To...
  10. 1oldcoyote

    Coyote findings;

    I've read for many years now. Some experienced coyote people making some bold claims. Mostly made by Biologists & or Dr's. of Biology. As they have proclaimed. What a coyote is expressing in their vocals. Some of those Biologists claim a vast array of so called "truths". I would like to know...
  11. 1oldcoyote

    Winter Coyote Strategies? +a bonus question

    I believe a canines field of vision is roughly 120 degrees. IF I can not see it's eyes, it can not see me. On hilly terrain the worst tactic whether stalking or calling is. Walking into an area with the wind in your face. Any self respecting coyote up ahead over the next rise. Will see you &...
  12. 1oldcoyote

    Winter Coyote Strategies? +a bonus question

    Whether I'm stalking in on a sleeper coyote. Or walking in to call a stand of timber. In a perfect World. I sneak in to within a 1/4 mile of the timber stand. From the 10:00 or 2:00 angle. The coyote or ground cover being the center of the clock dial. Reason being, I'm angled up & cross wind...
  13. 1oldcoyote

    Stalking or calling

    Whether I'm stalking in on a sleeper coyote. Or walking in to call a stand of timber. In a perfect World. I sneak in to within a 1/4 mile of the timber stand. From the 10:00 or 2:00 angle. The coyote or ground cover being the center of the clock dial. Reason being, I'm angled up & cross wind...
  14. 1oldcoyote

    Winter Coyote Strategies? +a bonus question

    I've stalked Red Fox since the early 60's, the coyotes since 1968. Hunting them on open rolling hills. Speaking of walking in on a sleeper or walking in to make a call stand. "With the wind in your face". Is a bad tactic. Because both canines spend the vast majority of their time. On down-wind...
  15. 1oldcoyote

    Rock Island 12ga 3" mag AR pattern test

    My shotgun came with 3 screw in chokes. The above video, I'm using the full choke tube, BB load. I also tested Rem 3" mag buffered 4Buck @ 65 yards. 4Buck punched clean holes in 1/2" plywood/chipboard.
  16. 1oldcoyote

    Rock Island 12ga 3" mag AR pattern test

    60 yard pattern test. 20" barrel Rock Island, AR V60. Using 12 ga 3" mag. I'm using Rem 3" mag BB load. Left end of the sunken river branch. Is roughly 4' long...
  17. 1oldcoyote

    Near death

    Spot on
  18. 1oldcoyote

    Hardcore coyotes

    For those of you who are new to coyote hunting/behaviors. They will spend the vast majority of their time on the down-wind side of hills or in/adjacent to ground cover. Utilizing the up-wind mainly. For traveling from one down wind area to the next. They spend very little time on the up-wind...
  19. 1oldcoyote

    Hardcore coyotes

    I hunt North central plains/or foothills. One Winter day it was bitter cold near -30 wind chill. I seen a pair of coyotes a tad over 1/2 mile out with my binocs. So in I snuck, slinking my way near for a prone shot amongst the foot hills. My last hill top. I stopped & went prone. The nearest of...
  20. 1oldcoyote

    Glad I had a tourniquet

    Spot on advice. In a pinch. A shoe string/boot lace. Or a long thin torn swath from a shirt. All will work as a tourniquet. Without anything, firm direct pressure over the cut artery or vein is/can be a life saver.

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