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  1. J

    What kind of scat??

    Without a doubt, I can say... Sasquatch. -Matt Moneymaker
  2. J

    Howdy All

    Welcome. We're practically neighbors. I'm in S.E. Va.
  3. J

    Bad deal...

    I was not a ship-driver, but spent plenty of time on ships in the navy. With regard to the anchor being dropped, there is some serious tonnage on that ship... and at about 8 knots the anchor, once dropped, would not bring the ship to a complete stop. My understanding, having observed going to...
  4. J

    Checking in from Va.

    Welcome from another newcomer... I'm in the Tidewater area.
  5. J

    Hello from a hillbilly

    Welcome! Big fan of all things Hillbilly. Looking forward to some good stories.
  6. J

    Knife sharpening

    Great information in this thread. If you wouldn't mind, I'd love some suggestions... I don't have enough posts to PM you though... I have the cheap, knock-off version of the Lansky (bought it years ago) and have only just now started sharpening. I found videos from Grey Beard Green Beret and...
  7. J

    First time refinishing a gun stock

    Looks great so far! I'll be following with interest. I was inspired by all the great work recently posted... I'm tentatively working on my dad's Winchester 69A. New walnut stock I'm planning on oiling like you guys do here. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
  8. J

    Development of life ?

    You got that right! A lot of times it's the little things. I'm 56 with a 30 and 28yo. My daughter(28) says to me a few days ago, "You remember when we'd ride our bikes to the creek [behind the golf course] and look for golfballs?" She was in pre-k at the time. Yeah, I remember that. "That was...
  9. J

    'Yotes: What to do with carcusses when pelts have little value?

    I don't know anyone that hunts predators or varmints either. I'm still new to the game... hunting in general that is. My thought is if I can learn the ropes hunting coyote (steep learning curve, I know) and crow, that leaves deer and turkey season for the experienced folks.
  10. J

    'Yotes: What to do with carcusses when pelts have little value?

    As in if you're not going to eat them? Interesting response.
  11. J

    Karen has gone too far this time

    I couldn't listen to Led Zeppelin until well after high school. They were the only band the "cool kids" listened to... anything else, in their opinion, was unworthy. Today, can't really get into Tool - but Clutch? Fagetaboutit
  12. J

    Hi Allen, just saw your intro from August. Where in Virginia are you? -JB

    Hi Allen, just saw your intro from August. Where in Virginia are you? -JB
  13. J

    Non-Game Species Encountered in the Field

    I was crow hunting on the edge of a bean field a few weeks ago. Saw two big black specks flying toward me from across the other side of the field. Two bald eagles in a loose formation. The one peeled off, but the other one flew right over me and took a look down. I guess I wasn't hidden all that...
  14. J

    Correct Way to Sight In?

    Great idea! There was a shortage of butts last time I went to the range.
  15. J

    1st time jackrabbit

    Thanks for the post. I got two squirrels this past weekend (first time squirrel hunting), and thought they smelled strange as I was "attempting" to skin them. Long story short, skinned the first one okay but the second one exploded as I was pulling his shirt off. Left number two for the coyotes...
  16. J

    Hello from Tidewater

    Hi There, Been lurking for a few months and decided to sign up today. New hunter in Tidewater VA. I'm one of those 'seasoned individuals' who decided to start hunting later in life. I'm currently building sweat-equity learning the ropes of squirrel and crow hunting. So far having lots of fun...

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