Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

1st archery animal

Sask hunter

Well-known member
Sep 20, 2016
I practiced a lot all summer almost every day shooting out to 70. Even with all the practice nerves got the best of me tonight. I have been running a bait since august 18 as I figured it would be my best chance to have a very controlled situation to increase my chances of a clean kill with my new bow. Got in the stand around 5 tonight. About 515 a small sow came in and I practiced drawing on her. About 530 a medium sized boar comes in. I get drawn in him and settled in and felt confident but when I shot idk of the nerves got me or what but I hit him directly in the shoulder blade. Obviously thaw arrow only penetrated a couple inches and bear ran off. I tried to follow up to do my due diligence but couldn’t even find any to follow. I was debating what to do I know that bear will be fine but I still have two bear tag. About 630 a medium chocolate boat comes in and I pass. About 745 this big sow came in. I drew back not sure if I was going ti shoot. Got the site levelled and she was standing broadside pin was settled in perfect and I let the arrow fly. Perfect top of heart hit. She ran 50 yards into some thick stuff and expired. Then the work began of skinning and quartering her and carrying her back to the truck. Honestly not sure if I’ll do archery bear again. There is no season advantage (bow, rifle, ML) all opens at the same time and my 338 kills them at or close to the bait which makes retrieval much easier lol.
Some before and after pictures from todayIMG_1162.jpegIMG_1163.jpegIMG_1164.jpeg

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