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Nevada Governor Signs Slew of Gun Control Laws

It could be the beginning of the end if these people are not stopped. As is the new California ammo law. There are plenty of laws already in place if they were just enforced. At the risk of someone labeling me a conspiracy theorist, their goal is to limit the people so when the government falls and communism takes over, you won't be able to defend yourself and stop it. IMO...
Bump stocks are already illegal at the federal level, safe storage of firearms and not using a gun while intoxicated is just common sense, and I'm sorry, but I do not think a felon should be able to buy a firearm from a newspaper add. These laws are no where near as severe as the bullshit CA is implementing, and they will have nothing to do with the quality of hunting in Nevada.
Bump stocks are already illegal at the federal level, safe storage of firearms and not using a gun while intoxicated is just common sense, and I'm sorry, but I do not think a felon should be able to buy a firearm from a newspaper add. These laws are no where near as severe as the bullshit CA is implementing, and they will have nothing to do with the quality of hunting in Nevada.

I may take a beating here and be banned forever. But I feel your right. I feel if we don't give an inch eventually a mile will be taken. Most of this is already in place on a federal level. I think the loopholes need closing it is way to easy for organized criminals to obtain firearms at different events and such. Most private sales for the most part people use their heads and if someone seems shady they back away. However lots of folks could care less and use these as a means to make money knowing they are giving those guns to turds.
The problem is the gun control crowd has already admitted that achieving total gun control is incremental and achieved in small steps. Believe me, this is just the beginning. Look what they did in New Jersey.
I may take a beating here and be banned forever. But I feel your right. I feel if we don't give an inch eventually a mile will be taken. Most of this is already in place on a federal level. I think the loopholes need closing it is way to easy for organized criminals to obtain firearms at different events and such. Most private sales for the most part people use their heads and if someone seems shady they back away. However lots of folks could care less and use these as a means to make money knowing they are giving those guns to turds.

On the outside this sounds logical. But factually less than 1% of the guns used in crimes are obtained thru “loopholes”
Take it from someone who has seen it happen in Cali. They say they only want "common sense" gun laws which at first is what they try for, but a little taste of success brings out the real monsters. All out bans are what they want and they wont stop until they get it. In Cali they are attacking on multiple fronts. They are slowly eliminating various forms of hunting which takes away another reason to own a firearm, combine that with the bullet restrictions and various firearms restrictions and Cali is a few years away from a total ban.
Yup. Its gettin deep over here. The upside is every sheriff in the state signed a letter of intent saying they refuse to enforce "universal background check" law. Not only is it poorly written but nearly impossible to enforce.
Nevada is not even Nevada anymore,there are more former California folks here than native Nevada's,and they vote the same way they did in California,its a disgrace to see our state ruined by this Democratic Governer.
Yep it’s California people ask me where I’m from and say born and raised and the can’t believe it. It’s bad we used to be a red state until all these idiots moved here.
Yup. Its gettin deep over here. The upside is every sheriff in the state signed a letter of intent saying they refuse to enforce "universal background check" law. Not only is it poorly written but nearly impossible to enforce.
AND Sheriffs are elected by the people - herein lies the difference between what the people want and what their government is trying to do.
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