Yeti GOBOX Collection

No zipper problem here.


New member
Mar 14, 2005
Fantasy Island, BC
I managed to keep my pants tied up for this one. Oops this is a 2004 pic.

Q1 you know Im gonna rag ur hiney everytime now.....LMAO that aint no bear.I'll give ya a second chance before I start calling you a blonde again :)

Hey tuff sweeeeeeeeeet dude.Almost had me a black one last year myself.Congrats on yours dude. much did that wolf weigh & how rare are the white ones?
I wish I could've had a chance to weigh that wolf. All I know was that it was twice as big as the rest of the pack. It was pretty cool the rest were black and this one was pure white with a tiny bit of light grey going down his back.

When I went to throw it on the horse it was pretty damn heavy and took the two of us to rope it on. I knew I had a big wolf when hunters would ride by our camp on horseback and ask if they could take pictures.

As for the rarities in colour phases of wolves, I can't answer that because it may differ from region to region. I can guess though that it is farely rare, because from the wolves I've seen around they have always been Grey with white or mostly black.

If I can get another one this year, I'll be happier than a pig in $hit.
No doubt he son is 20 and is my best hunting have a lot of good times in front of you.