Pillar Trimming and Bedding


Active member
Apr 8, 2019
I recently received a Manners EH1 for my short action Christensen Ridgeline and am having some trouble getting everything put together. First the bottom metal didn't fit, so I sent it back to them with my bottom metal and they fixed it and sent it back. Then my action screws were too long, so I got a bench grinder and fixed that. Now I am seeing that the rear action screw when torqued to spec (65#) is pulling the rear of the bottom metal down at such an angle that it's hard to open to metal bottom. This is because I have not installed the aluminum pillars they sent with the stock. They are too long and cause the action to stick up out of the stock.

What is the best way to trim these pillars, and what compound should I use to secure them in place once I get them trimmed to the correct length?

Having dealt with the hacks at Manners and an EH1 specifically, I'd guess they cut your btm metal inlet at the wrong depths, front to back, like they did mine. And that was after they recut the inlet to an M5 because they couldn't cut a proper Rem 700 inlet.
I used Marine Tex to bed my pillars, and I had to bed the btm metal as well to get it flush around the perimeter. I didn't have to cut pillars though. You could just use the grinder or a flat file to get them to length.
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I use a flat file or my dad's lathe if he's around and Marine Tex is great. My Manners was better fit than yours but i even had to do a little work to my McMillans.

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