The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
Two Montana bear hunters (tagged out already in their home state) are looking for a resident of Wyoming to sign a resident guide permit and participate in backcountry adventures May 22-23 and June 4-7. Applicant must also be of Montana descent with a can-do attitude, have adequate equipment and be skilled in backpacking, glassing, cooking camp meals, hunting, field dressing and skinning animals. A friendly demeanor and ability to tolerate sophmoric humor is preferred - but not required. Successful candidate must be able to rapidly walk up steep inclines and ford raging streams, not be fearful of the dark, and be eager to spend time around wild beasts in the forests such as in the Gros Ventre Wilderness. A forestry degree or background is the minimum required education.
I forgot to mention that this guide must be willing to work for FREE and cover his own licenses and travel expenses. Provided a quality experience takes place, tips will be provided in the form of adult beverages.
My PM box is filling with applicants. I must find a way to weed out the riffraff.. One last requirement, the applicant must have seen 10 bears in one night glassing in his home state of Wyoming within the last 5 years AND must have taken a large 6 point bull elk in MT within the last 7 months.
Someone may be willing to check their calendar.

Be glad to check in the coat and tie used in D.C. the last week... for some waders and a rifle.

I doubt sitting behind a pair of swaro's can be as bad as 12-16 hour days on the Hill.
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Looks like this year you left out nightly cuddling and back rubs. You're lowering your standards Greenhorn.
I doubt sitting behind a pair of swaro's can be as bad as 12-16 hour days on the Hill.


I thought that was you on CNN last night :D
If there was no promise of tickling and secrets, I can't believe Buzz would be interested. Who would be?
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