Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by Phaseolus

  1. Phaseolus

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    Just reading your posts I can see why no one wants to invite you.
  2. Phaseolus

    What is you "Happy Place"?

    One of my happiest times was sailing to Australia, watching stars during night watches a thousand miles from the nearest lights source was awesome.
  3. Phaseolus

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    You could always follow Bobcatbess’s lead and just make a new handle every time you get booted on MM
  4. Phaseolus

    Going to Moab!

    I’d be happy to show you The Palisade Plunge trail, it’s awesome.
  5. Phaseolus

    How to Red Rocks Concert

    IF you eat too many pot brownies try not to throw up on the security guard who tries to stop you from running to the bathrooms. Grateful Dead 1979.
  6. Phaseolus

    Going to Moab!

    If you are coming from the west on I-70 stop at Ray’s Tavern in Green River, Utah for a great hamburger
  7. Phaseolus

    Going to Moab!

    Ride Mag 7 while you’re there.
  8. Phaseolus

    Whatever happened to..?

    Moosie had a heart valve replaced recently
  9. Phaseolus

    Bridge closure

    Kebler Pass washboards are going to be worse this year.
  10. Phaseolus

    Pick a state to become a resident ...

    That’s because we live in Western Colorado
  11. Phaseolus

    Who's ready to ski!

    Sucks to be a flatlander…
  12. Phaseolus

    Who's ready to ski!

    90’s? You should have seen it in the 60’s and 70’s. ;). Even the Front Range was great back then.