Search results

  1. E

    New Draw areas for sheep

    The Idaho results being posted jogged my memory... For those of you who don't know Alaska has a public process for F&G regulation changes. The Public can submit proposals on an official form that is then placed on the docket of the Board of Game. The board holds meetings to consider proposals...
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    Bou pics

    Hello all, A couple of pics of nice bulls I saw early this month. Sorry for the quality but they're stills from my new video camera
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    Dummies on the Tundra

    I already posted this on an AK board but its worthy of mention here too For those of you intending to hunt the Haul Road (in case you weren't already aware) it is ILLEGAL to drive out onto the tundra. On, or about, Wednesday 6 Sep, a group of hunters from one of our esteemed military...
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    Dalton Caribou Update

    The bulls are still in velvet and will be for another 3 weeks or so (if thats an issue) As of 2 pm AST today, there are about a thousand or so animals in large bands between the Kuparuk River and Slope Mtn Good luck
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    Personal best

    I really love to fish for Silver Salmon. They are good to eat, they hit a lure readily and hard, they go airborne and they're plentiful most years. I took a couple of buds in my boat to a local river, the Deshka, on Wednesday. It was amazing! The fish were massed in huge schools near the...
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    A near limit

    I had family in town and took them to stream south of town called Bird Creek to catch the incoming tide. Things were slow until high tide (to my surprise) and then it was orange Vibrax to the rescue!! Until the grizzlies came down to the river to fish in my spot. 5 Silvers and 1 Pink. They...
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    Home improvement

    After reading Hunterman's post I thought "What the hell" Some background: I bought my house in '93 as an estate sale. It was a rental at the time and run down but sound as far as I could tell. I got it cheap and "bought" 20K in equity at closing. The AF moved me in '98 and we rented it out...
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    Summer Solstice

    How late does the sun stay up where you live? Here's a pic taken tonight(I stayed up waaay past my beddy-bye time) at 12:01 AST and another of exposed permafrost taken yesterday while I was on patrol Enjoy! Erik
  9. E

    Nothing much... report. The AK section is getting thin so here's an update from the tundra. I'm back at the Jay-Oh-Bee after three weeks of house repairs and renovations and not catching any kings(but the season ain't over just yet). This is my first time seeing the far north in spring. I got hired...
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    Big AK brownie killed in DLP shooting

    In case you hadn't already heard......Big bear killed last week down on the Kenai Peninsula Giant brown bear charges hunters 750- to 825-pound bruin shot only 20 yards away By JOSEPH ROBERTIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matt Zeek and Charles Goff...
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    Memorial Day

    All, I just want to say Happy Memorial Day to you all. I know I'm a bit early but I go home today and will be away from the computer for about a week. My two weeks on / two weeks off schedule with a Thursday crew change has worked to my favor this time. I know they're will be fishing...
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    Arctic Grayling

    Went out before work this afternoon and caught several grayling. There's a small lake just down the hill from the pump station and its inlet/outlet streams are thick with grayling moving up to spawn. I was surprised how big they were. Beadhead Ribbed Hare's Ear nymph kill's em every time. (BTW...
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    Only a few days left

    Just a heads up for anyone interested in the spring draw. Applications must be in by 31 May. You can get your 2006 license and tag application online. Good luck to those of you in the draw -Erik
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    More wolf pics

    Gents, It's spring here in the high arctic. Its still cold but the days are long (16 hours of day light) and the caribou are starting to bunch up and string their way north to the calving grounds. Accordingly, where the caribou go the wolves follow and the caribou have been hanging by the...
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    Better hurry, wolf season closes 1 May

    A little known loophole in the Dalton Hwy corridor is in the trapping regs. You can "trap" furbearing predators in most GMU's with a rifle. Yup, you can sling lead along the pipeline as long as you're "trapping" foxes, wolves or wolverines. Fox closed April 15th, I'm unsure about wolverines at...
  16. E

    Bears are out!

    As many of you know the pipeline gets overflown every day, weather permitting. Our helo guys are reporting seeing lots of grizzly bears between the Yukon and Chandalar. Sorry but I don't have any more details than that. It may be worth making the trip and spending some quality time behind a...
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    So...I log on to Hunt Talk like usual and scan the thread titles like usual, looking for something new and my eyes lock immediately on "Ever fondle a 200" ......and before my brain can process that its in the DEER section, I've already reminded myself that I was drunk and it was closing time :D :D
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    Good News!

    The vet called and my girl does not have diabetes!!! Three weeks ago I took Harley, my Chessie bitch to the groomer for her biannual de-stinking. The groomer kept her all day (she doesn't release dogs in winter until they are absolutely dry) and Harley had to pee every half hour and was...
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    Heather and Kevin

    A truck stops at a red light, and a blonde in an SUV races to catch up. She jumps out of her car, runs up to the truck and knocks on the window. The truck’s driver lowers the window, and she says, "Hi, my name is Heather and you are losing some of your load." The driver ignores her and...
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    Northern Lights going away??

    In todays paper there was an article about how Alaska is probably going to lose our Aurora displays for about 50 years. Apparently, the earth's core, mostly nickel and iron, shifts from time to time taking the magnetic poles with it. Science has figured out a way to track this shifting of the...