Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Search results

  1. Dave N

    Any car salesmen here?

    Looking for a dealership salesman to PM a couple quick questions.
  2. Dave N

    Any car salespeople here?

    Anybody selling cars for a dealership that I can PM a couple questions to?
  3. Dave N

    Randy Newberg wins a big award!

    Couldn't pick a better guy! https://www.rmef.org/elk-network/newberg-awarded-rmefs-highest-conservation-honor/
  4. Dave N

    Kitchen knives and cooking sale.

    Clearance sale if you need any kitchen knives. I hit the sale a while back and upgraded my set. If this is not allowed I'll delete...
  5. Dave N

    You just can't make this stuff up!

    Might have thought this was from California but Illinois strikes again! Making something not legal per Federal rules into Constitutionally allowable. Sheesh. Maybe "THEY" don't have to fill out any forms or go through background checks...
  6. Dave N

    Outdoor edge promo?

    Got my razor knife when I renewed my RMEF membership and when I used the enclosed coupon code for blades it was no good. Tried Randy for the heck of it and no. Anyone have anything else?
  7. Dave N

    Is China at it again? Another balloon.

  8. Dave N

    Don't kill a moose in Denali Park!

  9. Dave N

    Boogity, boogity! 2024 NASCAR Fantasy League is open.

    We're back! Come one, come all! It's a little different looking so hopefully anyone new wanting to join in won't struggle too much. If the link doesn't work for new players I'll give the basic info to find our team. The league name is HUNT TALK RACING. The league number is #1796 and the...
  10. Dave N

    Late Friday music thread

    Better late than never!
  11. Dave N

    Any Bronco Sport owners here?

    Our daughter has finally settled her work comp claim and wants to use the money towards a new vehicle. We were looking at Escapes and then she hits me with the Bronco idea. She can only afford the Sport version. She is in the process of moving about 5 minutes from work so MPG won't be a huge...
  12. Dave N

    I hate insurance companies!

    Apparently a visit from the nurse isn't always "A" visit. It's actually 2 or 3! And therapy done in our home isn't therapy, it's counted as nursing. So the visits that would be counted separately are now combined. Insurance says we get 100 visits per year. You would think that with 52 weeks in...
  13. Dave N

    Going to be a lot of boating accidents!

    I see that the Supreme Court has declined to hear the fight over the illinois assault weapons ban. Bummer. Whoever finds that lake where all of the upcoming boating accidents happen could make a killing in recovery! ;) I think the last number I heard of people who had registered their guns was...
  14. Dave N

    THIS one got our attention!

    A little after 4:30 this morning I was rudely interrupted from my sleep by a huge crash. My wife started yelling for me and I thought maybe her bed had collapsed. Nope. Daughter have a seizure and hit the floor upstairs? Nope, she ran down to see what happened. Couldn't find anything wrong...
  15. Dave N

    Suzanne Somers passed away.

    Schoolboy fantasy stuff. Gone at 76. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2023/10/15/suzanne-somers-threes-company-dead-76-cancer/71197413007/
  16. Dave N

    RIP, Ducky!

  17. Dave N


    Got a text from my father this morning that he wanted to give me something and to stop by when I had a chance. OK, somewhat normal for him with giving me fish or something. Today was different. He handed me my grandfather's Winchester Model 12 shotgun! I knew it was coming to me in his will...
  18. Dave N

    More bad fire news.

    Evacuation order from Yellowknife. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/16/americas/canada-northwest-territories-wildfires-thursday/index.html
  19. Dave N

    Illinois gun ban ruled "constitutional".

    The news is now carrying this update to the lawsuit against Illinois and Gov. Pritzker. Bummer, though it ain't over yet! I have seen our local paper stating that sheriffs will not "actively enforce" the new law. The part about registering ARs is what bothers a majority of us. The State doesn't...
  20. Dave N

    I'm finally old!

    My first Social Security check was deposited into my account today. Old and living on the government's dime! Yippee. At least now we should be able to maintain our budget knowing exactly what we have coming in each month. My apologies for offending anyone with enough years to be in the same boat...
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