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  1. Big Fin


    None that I'm aware of, if you have everything in order. You will probably be asked by the institution to show proof of being the TOD/POD beneficiary if you ask to withdraw from the account. That usually requires a death certificate of the original account owner, documentation to prover the...
  2. Big Fin


    ??? Hmmm, "trustee" doesn't apply to a POD/TOD account. To have a valid POD/TOD you must have a designated Transferee/Beneficiary. OP said he has a named POD Beneficiary, making it a valid account designation.
  3. Big Fin


    No penalty. POD/TOD designation makes it non-probate property, thus not subject to will/trust/probate. It immediately becomes the property of the named transferee.
  4. Big Fin

    RIP John Gibson

    John put everything he had into Montana wildlife and access issues. Gratitude to him.
  5. Big Fin

    37 percent sow harvest?

    The data showed a decline in populations that had more than 37% female harvest. That was the "tipping point" of female harvest that was considered defensible if black bear hunting was attacked. If FWP/Commission went beyond what the studies told them, it would make it very ripe for groups to...
  6. Big Fin

    Fresh Tracks Weekly - Conflicted Wildlife Trustees (Commissioners)

    The courts would say, "No." The courts would bifurcate the standing of said person into two different standings in their relationship with the Trust/Trustee - 1) Beneficiary by mere fact of being a citizen, and 2) Stakeholder, by the fact that the person is providing value to the Trust that the...
  7. Big Fin

    Fresh Tracks Weekly - Conflicted Wildlife Trustees (Commissioners)

    Yes, surely through the lens of a CPA who deals in Trusts every day. But, all the court cases related to Public Trusts disregard the political reasons Trustees often claim for their actions. By the statutes enacted in most states I am aware of, the standards of a Public Trustee are the same as...
  8. Big Fin

    Fresh Tracks Weekly - Conflicted Wildlife Trustees (Commissioners)

    I don't limit the beneficiaries to just hunters. I always say that the citizens of the state are the beneficiaries, hunters or not hunters. If Idaho Trustees think that outfitter tags benefits the Trust, the Trust asset of wildlife, and the Trust Beneficiaries, then that is what the Trustee...
  9. Big Fin

    Nevada Antelope Unit 33 Late Rifle - Help Please!

    You have a PM. They might migrate in there, but there are plenty of bucks during the seasons, prior to any migration that might happen.
  10. Big Fin

    Gun Owners Don't Vote

    You've nailed it. That's a very true feeling. I hear it often. I've tried to figure out why folks would not vote, even if they know they aren't likely to win. Any vote cast that ends up on the losing side still has value by closing the margin of victory and should give cause for the winner to...
  11. Big Fin

    Gun Owners Don't Vote

    That's been a trend for decades. It is why Oregon lost the ballot initiative on guns back in 2020 (?). The percentage of gun owners who likely would have voted against the initiative and who didn't vote, was a much higher percentage than the more urban folks who didn't vote and would likely have...
  12. Big Fin

    Win An Elk Hunt - Sitka Gear is giving away an elk hunt

    I'm not eligible, so I've not filled out the form to find out all of the details. If you want to be entered into a sweepstakes for a Utah elk hunt, paid by Sitka, here's your chance. Link - Good luck to those who enter.
  13. Big Fin

    Fresh Tracks Weekly - Conflicted Wildlife Trustees (Commissioners)

    Many have listened to me talk about Trustee duties, standards, and responsibilities. Our wildlife Commissioners are some of our most important Trustees. One of the top standards by which a Trustee must adhere to is independence/impartiality/unconflicted if they are to fulfill their duty owed to...
  14. Big Fin

    Yukon Dream fulfilled, in pictures.

    That is an enchanting place. I hope your hunt turns out as fortunate as mine did. Good luck.
  15. Big Fin

    The newest AI technology

    Damn, that's impressive. What do I owe for that one, breakfast and coffee at the Western? Seriously, what you did there is an expression of the evolution/revolution that is coming in media production. Thanks for doing that.
  16. Big Fin

    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    I got a quick response from FWP this morning. It shows I must have been asleep when the quotas for Units 622 and 680 were announced. Shame on me. It is concerning that the sheep numbers in those two herds and 482 are down. Those have been the bright spot in an otherwise dim outlook for Montana...
  17. Big Fin

    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    I just emailed the Department with a question as to why the draw summaries show 10 ram tags drawn in Unit 680 and 5 in Unit 622, when the regs called for 25 and 10, respectively. Maybe I missed something at the Commission level. Or am I reading the draw summaries incorrectly? 622 summary 680...
  18. Big Fin

    Fresh Tracks Weekly - Playing Political Football

    I'm in favor or giving wildlife and conservation values equal footing under the "multiple use" mandates. I am also in favor of the market-based ideas of conservation leasing and compensatory mitigation leasing. Given that, I'm in favor of this rule, and I'm willing to see even stronger language...
  19. Big Fin

    Fresh Tracks Weekly - Playing Political Football

    Yup. And know that whoever you vote for, that's not a license to be an idiot on hunting, access, conservation, and 2A. If they are out in the weeds on topics such as those, and you let them know you voted for them, your communication with them is likely way more effective messaging than a...
  20. Big Fin

    Dave N Elk tag fund raiser

    If you share those points, I will share my credit card for both of your Wyoming applications.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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