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  1. H

    22 million BLM acres for development?

    Roosevelt saved about 230 million acres. The folks using his name, are looking at development in 220 million. Times have changed I guess, we have plenty more frontier land available down the road
  2. H

    BHA can now celebrate. Hypocrites

    What's funny, is I called my shot 2 years ago. A year later, BHA is on board in 700,000 acres of development. The Boundary waters is roughly 1 million acres. Can you show me where BHA was open to negotiation on a mine there? Were they open to negotiation on drilling in the Attic National...
  3. H

    BHA can now celebrate. Hypocrites

    Hey @Devin O'Dea. I got your email, was the new account trying to accomplish something? If so, generally direct communication works much better.
  4. H

    22 million BLM acres for development?

    I do. I remember as small businesses were getting shut down restaurants were going bankrupt you posting they "deserved to lose them", because they hadn't put enough money in savings to survive a government shutdown. I also remember the PM I got from Randy to be nice to you, apparently you'd...
  5. H

    22 million BLM acres for development?

    I watched as oil leases and timber leases would come up. Those groups opposed would go to war. It wasn't no, it was hell no. Political fights. Never ending lawsuits using everything from NEPA, to spotted owls, to clean air act, or whatever piece of regulation they could possibly dig up to...
  6. H

    22 million BLM acres for development?

    As a western state public land hunter, fisherman, camper, driver, filmer, etc this is extremely concerning. As a Utah guy, who is constantly watching and acting against the dumbass stripe that occupies my states public land ideas, it floors me, that groups that are for public land, are...
  7. H

    22 million BLM acres for development?

    I'm too old, and too experienced to want to touch the third rail of Hunt talk today. I'll say this. Written comment deadline is end of April. There's an election this year, this is a fair subject to ask about. It's also banquet, expo, rendezvous season, make sure your money is getting you...
  8. H

    22 million BLM acres for development?
  9. H

    Ryan Busse is a coward

    Great. We ain't friends, but I don't doubt you spend the time. you'd be in the 1% class. Being an outlier doesn't make you the rule. You, of anyone, knows how rare it is. And I don't doubt you did. Romney seeks out outdoorsy folks as part of his "I'm one of you" lines. He spent a year...
  10. H

    Ryan Busse is a coward

    And this is where I'm blown away. He sits on the board. He's not a random dude in a legislative committee testifying about the difference in a 10 shot vs 11 shot mag, or some stupid minuscule concept. I do believe new guns will be banned at some point. Or more correctly, gun manufacturers...
  11. H

    Ryan Busse is a coward

    Perhaps, fair criticism. I'd argue his platform is built out of a house of cards, but so be it. I knew who he was, and what he pretends vs what is fact(Gifford's is for total gun bans, not just "assault rifles"). A lot of guys look at the headline, don't read the story, or do the digging. If...
  12. H

    Ryan Busse is a coward

    I don't write big enough checks.
  13. H

    Ryan Busse is a coward

    You seemed to appreciate my perspective on BHA's renewable energy stance... Hoss seems like you just want to be right and when someone makes a valid point you either try to straw man their argument or result to...
  14. H

    Ryan Busse is a coward

    One mans internet posts is another mans Atlantic, Guardian, NY Times article. Just depends on where your at on pint night which one you consider a rant. To be fair, I don't get paid for my opinions, so there is that
  15. H

    Ryan Busse is a coward

    That's a nice spin. But in your "beat down" remarks, you, like a couple others, clearly don't understand English. The OP, like yet another OP was about A PODCAST. One that neither you, nor I have heard, but one with a guy who you've spent weeks defending. You're defending something...
  16. H

    Ryan Busse is a coward

    Simple question. What episode #? Seems easy
  17. H

    Ryan Busse is a coward

    I know. Most of the time if you drop a "clever" meme, dudes lay off you. Getting drug out in the deep end, then having the news of the day smack you up side the head, is foreign territory. Being exposed as a partisan hack is rough, for those who fancy themselves above such a thing. Your...
  18. H

    Ryan Busse is a coward

    I really expected saj, 406, Wilm, to have jumped right in here bright and early this morning to show us how serious the Dems are about "gun crimes, gun violence" after the DOJ laid the wood to a crackhead who bought a gun illegally, then dumped it in a garbage can across from a high school...
  19. H

    Colorado “Managing Wildlife in an Era of Mutualism.”

    I love the bush hippies "free range eggs, chicken", etc. Then the same bush hippies seek to end pheasant hunting. Gotta eat grass fed beef, then they end elk hunting. Waking up every day as a lib has got to be exhausting, trying g to keep track of all the stupidity that trends daily in that...
  20. H

    IRS Visit

    I'm not a lawyer, but I'll assume it states the "why".
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