Sitka Pre Season Savings

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  1. cgasner1

    Calf dressing.

    Go get them some beer
  2. cgasner1

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    If your doctor is recommending a weekly one and you are meeting him behind a Chuck E. Cheese to save some money you may need a new doctor
  3. cgasner1

    Boy did I find powder.

    Coming thru Billings any time soon I’ll give you what I have lwft
  4. cgasner1

    The Governor, the Wolf and the Warden: A Fresh Look at a Gianforte Hunt

    Only nice thing about election season is yesterday I filled my truck up and it was under 100 dollars for the first time in a couple years
  5. cgasner1

    The Governor, the Wolf and the Warden: A Fresh Look at a Gianforte Hunt

    I’m already ready for election season to be over. None of these people give two chits about the public land hunter or hunting. If that was the case corner crossing wouldn’t be an issue we would have never talked about it in my lifetime because it would have been handled. Both parties have had...
  6. cgasner1

    Got my ram back !

    I’m doing same with my Audad that looks amazong
  7. cgasner1

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    Sure hope it doesn’t turn into a hybrid story for the beartooths where you get shanked by a sausage
  8. cgasner1

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    Man I sure hope not I can’t draw anything this year it’s up to you to keep this place a float
  9. cgasner1

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    You had that wtf am I gonna do about this tag look on your face I figured it was you
  10. cgasner1

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    If she’s with him probably
  11. cgasner1

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    Dudes trying to hard I can’t go anywhere without meeting someone from this site. Like 2 weeks ago I met @EYJONAS! at the hardware store
  12. cgasner1

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    As I said before none of us are hiding @Treeshark you got something you wanna bring up let’s hear it. All these conversations have done for this group is strengthen our belief this is the way to go. The push back and comments we getting are helping us. If we can defend this against a few people...
  13. cgasner1

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    I think the more you look into all this it’s going to be very eye opening for you. A lot of people don’t want any change they are perfectly content killing a 2.5 year old buck every year. Good luck with your current frustrations when you realize how unpopular any of these conversations are other...
  14. cgasner1

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    If I was smart I’d sell it and book a sheep hunt. Just tell my wife next spring I won it in a raffle
  15. cgasner1

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    I mean they did use to kill them with spears
  16. cgasner1

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    We shot a pretty big for a few years back with my 17 wsm at about 180 yards with a 20 grain vmax it missed both ribs and actually exited. She went about 5-10 yards and tipped over all 4 in the air
  17. cgasner1

    Guide tipping question

    Kodiak we did 10% split cross the boats. We had 9 guys hunting and 2 boats with 4 captains. My drop camp I tipped out at 50% I consider him a friend and he also gave us the friend rate so the big tip was a no brainer. In New Mexico last year I tipped my guide around 20% he absolutely busted his...
  18. cgasner1

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Please do. We by no means think we have all the answers. This is just what a group of guys came up with. I’m for any change is good change if you can beat us out and go all le good on you
  19. cgasner1

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    I hunt and phish on here to kill me free time
  20. cgasner1

    Montana General Season Structure Proposal

    Another thought I had this morning is people are looking at the deer being taken in other states. No one is really looking at the deer that are surviving. Wyoming has winter ranges where people go and look at the deer. Those are bucks that made the season because they where hunted in October

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