Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. jeremy.b

    Family Man's 2024 hunt log

    Funny you should say that exact phrase. A random smart-A comment I made a couple years ago about hiding in the shadows like a ninja birthed my buddy Andy getting this tattoo:
  2. jeremy.b

    Family Man's 2024 hunt log

    Saturday 4/20 & Sunday 4/21 Brian Mike and I meet up with Josh and head into a different area (one where we got into birds a few times last year). We make it to the gate, jump out of the truck and the wind is RIPPING over the area. Like couldn't hear a bird 60 yds away ripping. We have a quick...
  3. jeremy.b

    Family Man's 2024 hunt log

    Phewww... Survived 4 days straight of 3-4 AM wake up calls... I get that some of yall do that regularly, good deal, I'm personally not used to it! I had really hoped that my observation of birds not being responsive to calls would be disproven over the course of the weekend hunting with friends...
  4. jeremy.b

    Family Man's 2024 hunt log

    This morning I hit the spot I scouted on Saturday. Right at first light I got a response from a few gobblers on private ground. I moved deeper into the public and turned up two different gobblers. One only sounded off a couple times and definitely had hens, the other was gobbling like crazy and...
  5. jeremy.b

    Family Man's 2024 hunt log

    Took half a day off on Monday. Honestly not much to report. Only heard a few gobbles, made a move on two birds but neither showed any interest. One for sure had hens and I couldn't get them riled up enough to drag the tom in with them either. The highlight of the morning was getting back to my...
  6. jeremy.b

    Family Man's 2024 hunt log

    Spent the 2nd half of yesterday scouting a new spot. Hike way in to check a basin where I found a ton of turkey nesting sign a couple years ago during elk season. Got a distant gobble, so it probably holds a few birds. Its NOT the easiest place to get to, so it'll take someone else dedicated...
  7. jeremy.b

    Family Man's 2024 hunt log

    Last night I ran back into the spot and found at least 2 birds roosted in the same (ish) spot where they were on Wednesday. I picked out a (hopefully) better setup spot in the dark. We headed out (earlier) this morning, got to the setup and got all settled in. I didn't snag a pic of the spot...
  8. jeremy.b

    Family Man's 2024 hunt log

    Turkey season is upon us now and our youth season started Monday. I was able to secure different access into an area of public ground close to the house. The access we used last year was lost due to a land sale. This spot was where Caleb shot his bird the 2nd to last day of season last year and...
  9. jeremy.b

    Family Man's 2024 hunt log

    Figured I'd kick this thread off properly this year (instead of waiting till mid-elk season again!) Previous year's logs: 2023 Log 2021 Recap & 2022 season log 2020 Season Log 2019 Season Log 2018 Season Log The weird time dialation thing that happens with kids continues to accellerate. The...
  10. jeremy.b

    The Season of Stupid (& elk)

    This sounds like proper YouTube fodder, I expect videos!
  11. jeremy.b

    The Season of Stupid (& elk)

    Ahh, its not done!! Plenty of opportunity for a last ditch effort to plaster another layer of crazy onto a pretty epic season of crazy. I'd bet the hardest part is being properly motivated to engage the crazy button hard enough this late in the season :D.
  12. jeremy.b

    The Season of Stupid (& elk)

    Without reviving a 10+ page discussion, I chamber a round if I'm in country holding critters. That may be right out of the truck, or waiting until moving through an easement etc, just depends. I will say this, with a round chambered I am constantly checking my safety and very focused on muzzle...
  13. jeremy.b

    Down south, an annual adventure

    My boys temperaments are directly related to how long it's been since their last snack....
  14. jeremy.b

    The Season of Stupid (& elk)

    Ahh but would you have learned as much? Mistakes are amazing teaching tools, and for what it's worth, I'm personally finding way more value in them than I used to.
  15. jeremy.b

    Family man's 2023 hunt log/recap

    Huh, thats actually a really good question, one I haven't really thought about. Where legal, I've always picked up antlers/deadheads, so that's the best answer I can give really. In this case the carcass had sat for better part of a month, and not in a hard-to-get-to spot, so the proper owner...
  16. jeremy.b

    Family man's 2023 hunt log/recap

    Thanksgiving Family visit/tagalong hunt Spent Saturday morning "helping" BiL Brian look for a muley for is remaining tag. Took along Caleb to help retrieve some "treasure" (a spike elk carcass from the general elk season where the hunter had left the head intact and taken all the meat). Nice...
  17. jeremy.b

    Family man's 2023 hunt log/recap

    Got in a late afternoon hunt today. Been wanting to get out for a longer day but final winter prep on the house and a fun 2nd round of a cold slowed me down a bit. Was a great quick trip, bumped a handful of does on my target ridge and cut some good sized buck tracks on the way up the hill.
  18. jeremy.b

    The Season of Stupid (& elk)

    Man, I'm glad y'all crank up the meme machine in these guy's threads and let some of us keep our threads on topic :D
  19. jeremy.b

    Family man's 2023 hunt log/recap

    Annual Central Idaho whitetail hunt: The rest of the story The next morning Tim and I cooked up some hang-over hash for the whole crew. Both Tim and I packed up our stuff and headed home, leaving Andy, Felicia, Rod and Jeff for the remainder of the season. Jeff had been trying his hand at...
  20. jeremy.b

    Family man's 2023 hunt log/recap

    Annual Central Idaho whitetail hunt: Day 3 Brian was planning to head home later in the morning with Andy & Felicia showing up sometime later that afternoon. Tim & his son dropped back into the ridge we started on the day before. The did turn up the small 4x4 that had been on Brian's camera...