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  1. bullbugle307

    Healthy bread; What is there?

    I try to pack them hunting, but they generally don’t make it too long past half frozen before they’re in my gullet.
  2. bullbugle307

    Devaluing Non-Residents

    Conversely, if everyone was paying 20k for a tag, I think they’d care a hell of a lot more about the resource, and since they’ve obviously loaded, they’d probably be more effective advocates. The rich tend to get what they want, no. God knows that’s not what anyone here wants. And thank you...
  3. bullbugle307

    Devaluing Non-Residents

    I know. I just thought it was funny.
  4. bullbugle307

    Devaluing Non-Residents

    Last I checked this thread is about Wyoming You’ll withdraw your advocacy right? Care to elaborate on how much you’ve advocated for Wyomings wildlife? I would find your argument at least somewhat credible, if not misguided, if you can show me how much advocacy you have to take away from us here...
  5. bullbugle307

    Devaluing Non-Residents

    Last I checked this thread is about Wyoming.
  6. bullbugle307

    Devaluing Non-Residents

    I live in a part of Wyoming that’s East of the North Platte River 😂
  7. bullbugle307

    Devaluing Non-Residents

    I don’t think anyone is blaming non residents for the decline in our herds. That seems like a straw man to me. We’re mostly telling folks to quit whining about price increases and our state wanting to have similar NR tag allocations as every other Western state. I seriously don’t get the price...
  8. bullbugle307

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    I’ve driven through that town a bunch of times. For some reason the only thing I can ever remember is an outhouse with a crescent moon cut out of the door. Nice place.
  9. bullbugle307

    Devaluing Non-Residents

    Are we sure that less people applying means less advocacy? Apologies to Randy, and his mission, but it sure doesn’t seem like pouring the gasoline on the fire that is interest in Western hunting has made any appreciable difference in advocacy that gets results. I’m pretty sure most people...
  10. bullbugle307

    Healthy bread; What is there?

    Cause they taste good? That’s why I eat them anyways. I always thought I was doing good to eat them. Which brings this back to the topic…bread. Most of mine comes in the form of Uncrustables. I’m sure that’s the good stuff 😂 And it pairs good with a nice Monster or 3 to get my through my...
  11. bullbugle307

    Wyoming non-res license fees on the rise

    Hasn’t even kept up with inflation and people still complain. We need to just tie license fees to inflation and be done with this nonsense.
  12. bullbugle307

    Sports Illustrated calling it quits?

    Reminds me of the old ratty framed picture of a lady on a car my brother and I found in an alley. We rode that sucker home on our bikes and hid it behind our trash can container for years. Eventually, we forgot about it. Years after we moved out, like ten or fifteen probably, we were...
  13. bullbugle307

    What is a Bucc-ees?

    Jim and Nics was good, I think Colorado had 3 at one point but they’re all closed now.
  14. bullbugle307

    What is a Bucc-ees?

    I had an Uber driver in Houston get damn near teared up telling me about how working at one of those stations was his dream job. He wouldn’t let up about it. Apparently he also had a sciatic problem that made him unable to feather the peddle. It was either no gas or full pedal, which isn’t...
  15. bullbugle307

    Great Social Media posts?

    I figured there was more to the story. Thanks for digging that up.
  16. bullbugle307

    Tape at the end of barrel?

    Man, you ever had to wear one of those things in an actual work setting? Talk about everyone looking at you funny. Been there done that unfortunately.
  17. bullbugle307

    Curt Gowdy topo maps

    No worries, I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes. Surprisingly, I didn’t have that Hecla 7.5 USGS quad anyways. Got everything bordering Hecla to the north east and west though 😂 It’s funny how GPS changes things so drastically. Can’t even hardly give away those old USGS quads anymore.
  18. bullbugle307

    Curt Gowdy topo maps

    Are you looking for Topo maps of the area, or topo maps of the lakebed for fishing purposes?
  19. bullbugle307

    Curt Gowdy topo maps

    I’d have to look, but I probably have several of them. I bought all the maps from an old outfitter that used to run a map business. I’ve got multiple hundreds off Wyoming 7.5 quads, many of which are duplicates I don’t kind parting with. I’ve got a ton from Colorado and other states too. Feel...
  20. bullbugle307

    Wyoming HMA question

    The land is still private, so it could be, so long as the HMA is open for hunting that specific tag. You can look and see what it was open for this year, but keep in mind that HMAs that are currently enrolled and what they’re open for change from year to year sometimes.
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