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1967 MN deer


New member
Nov 5, 2012
I can remember sitting at home waiting for the guys to come home to see what deer they had. Back then we didn't have much for wolves in northern Minnesota so the deer were plentiful. here is a pic of a cousin, dad, two brothers, and a friend of my dad.

How did they kill those deer?? I don't see a single article of Sitka or any Scent-Lok clothing? And yes...I recognize my closet is full of Sitka and Scent-Lok and merino wool etc and that makes me a hypocrite haha Love these old pics as well.
Reminds me of my days at SDSU and the SD guys arguing with the Minnesota guys about who had better deer hunting. Sooner or later the trump card would always come out, MN has more B&C entries than SD. You can see why! Those north woods had some big boys running around and in numbers! Great pic.
I remember those old pre-blaze orange days when a red checkered wool jacket was the norm. I too love the old photos.
Great pic i have a few like that where they are all hanging on the meat hooks heck we never cared about a field photo back then.
That is back when there WERE deer left in MN, the numbers are less than half that now, love those pics