NEW SITKA Ambient 75

2011 Idaho Archery Elk


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2002
This archery season was a little different than the past couple have been on the eastern side of the state. Elk seemed to be extremely scattered and very few large groups to be found, mainly just small groups of 2-5. Bulls would bugle a little, but I didn't actually call in a single bull this fall and others hunters I talked with were saying the same thing about bulls not being responsive to calling. Our weather was also hot and dry throughout september, which didn't help. I was finally able to really get after it the last week of the season and located some elk on tuesday the 27th up in a large basin. I ended up chasing the herd a few miles that day without ever really seeing them. Thursday the 29th I was back in after them and it was pretty much a mirror image of the previous time, but I did figure the area out a bit better and worked things a little better. On Friday the 30th, last day of the season, I essentially didn't call at all and finally managed to really get on the herd well. After working my way in on them I watched the whole group feed across a brushy hill side and then up onto a ridge top. As I was making my way up to the ridge I had a spike peeking over the hill at me, but all I was able to see of him was his head. After watching him for nearly 15 minutes, he finally went over the top and I followed. The ridge top was really flat and a mix of burnt timber and open grassy areas. The majority of the herd was below me in the burnt timber, but mr spike was still up in the grassy areas. I put a quick little move on him around a small stand of trees and when he turned broadside at 30 yards I placed a great shot on him. He ran about 70 yards down the hill into the burnt trees, but was quickly staggering and soon fell. I had a tiny bit of cell service and relayed a GPS point to a friend who arrived with his pack right as I was starting out with my first load. We each did two trips packing meat at almost exactly 2 miles from the truck. I realize he isn't a big bull, but the freezer is full and there was no way I was passing a spike on the last day.


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Nothing wrong with that. The guys I've talked to have said the same thing, not a lot of talking, and the heat has everything like walking on popcorn. Congrats on filling the freezer.
Congrats, that will be some good eating.
Nice bull!
Way to hang in there until the end like that.
My dream has always been to kill a spike elk. Only have seen two ever while hunting. Im very jealous of you right now. Congrats!
Sounds a lot like my hunt. Except I shanked the shot at the spike and he blew out leaving me with nothing but a long hike back to the truck.
That sounds like a fun hunt you did better than most archers this year. I know my freezer looks pretty empty with just my tag in it.
Nice job. Elk in a "devastated" forest. Who woulda thunk it?

Devastated to say the least; is it also surprising the elk in there seem to most consistently be in the areas that weren't salvage logged and aren't grazed by sheep?

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