Sitka Pre Season Savings

Alexis turns meat hunter...


New member
Nov 21, 2001
As many of you know, Alexis has been killing deer and hogs since she was 6yrs old. She has killed 5 deer and 1 hog in this time and has became quiet a hunter.

This weekend was opening of juvenile gun season. Saturday was a wash, we did not see a single deer.

But that changed this morning about 8:am. Two does came through our food plot, but would not stop. About 8:55 a little 3pt with a broken right rear leg stepped into the edge of the food plot. Alexis took aim and....boom, he fell in his tracks, the shot was 90yds. About 9:03 a doe came from the opposite direction right at 105yds and boom...she ran about 55yds and piled up. This was her 1st doe and she was tickled to death, she has only killed bucks in the past years. She is deadly with her little .308 Thompson Center. :D

So here she is with the morning kills...



Flipper, Great pic's, tell the little sharp shooter congratulations! cool TC rifle
Very high on the "life is good" meter. Keep up the good work with the young hunters.

Congrats to her and you Flipper.
Congrats Alexis. great job young lady. way to get her out there Flipper.
Very nice...glad to see young hunters hitting the field and also good to see a parent spending quality time with their kids.

Nice work Flipper, congratulations.
Flipper, The TC what grain bullet are you shooting? and what FPS? Looks like a great youth rifle.
The bullet is 120gr and a loaded down charge, a local gunsmith here worked up the load. The rest of the info?????

It works great for her,but is expensive to put together.I think including scope...I have around $1100 bucks in it :eek: