Congratulations to @Big Fin, conservation leader!

BTW, if TRCP acronym is unfamiliar to you, check out Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Project. We've been working on the ground and in the halls of government for years, on your behalf. Operators are standing by for new members.
Thought it was Partnership? Either way they do good work.
Congratulations, Randy! Well-deserved! I know you do what you do out of passion and are not looking for accolades, but occasional recognition others value your contributions is always a nice warm-fuzzy.
Must have been humbling for those Representative, having to share the limelight w a Real American Hero.
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I met with Rep. Westerman in D.C. last year, he's a pretty down to earth guy. I think he and Randy would get along just fine. He's pretty well schooled on forest health issues, fire, etc. only member of Congress with a Forestry degree. Also hunts, fishes, and spends time outdoors. He also does good work on the issues we take to D.C. every year.

All 3 are worthy of the award from TRCP.

Well done all!
Thanks to all of you. Hunt Talk is a large part of the eyes and ears of our platforms. I pick up a lot of information here and have formed some valuable relationships with people who are working their butts off in their respective states.

This is a cool recognition that means a lot to me, my family, and the crew. More than half of our content is focused on conservation, education, information, and advocacy. We know that content won't get the views or downloads, but it is what we are here to do. This recognition helps us realize that there are people who do watch/listen to that content.

As I tell the crew, we're not here to be the biggest, rather to produce best content we can that inspires people to advocate for wild places, wild things, and access to such. We are blessed that we get to do that.

Thanks to so many of you for the support, encouragement, and insight. Our platforms bear the fingerprints of thousands who have formed our message and our work.

And thanks to TRCP, a great group that I have been working with since back when they started, at that time operating as TRCA in the early 2000s. The work they do is vital, even if sometimes unnoticed or under the radar. The people who attended that event show the respect TRCP has in the places where policy is decided.
Well deserved award and great to see the OYOA mission get the recognition it has earned in the arena!

Congrats Randy and crew

Absolutely! This has to be pretty gratifying as @Big Fin looks back at the beginning of believing he and Matthew could do a better job at portraying public land adventures than what outdoor TV was providing.

High quality content and success in conservation advocacy. Win. Win, and only the advancement of white hair from the stress of keeping Hunttalk from exploading into the ultimate dumpster fire. (Although, we all know that Kim gets the credit for most of it.)
More than half of our content is focused on conservation, education, information, and advocacy. We know that content won't get the views or downloads, but it is what we are here to do. This recognition helps us realize that there are people who do watch/listen to that content.
An unfortunate reality. From a nobody like me to a person of your stature, I appreciate you flipping the light switch for me in terms of putting more animals on the mountain. The video that did that was the RMGA goat count that you went on. This year, I’m on the short list of kid counts for the Black Hills because of that video.
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