HB 1175

So what ever happened with this access bill in the senate?
As schism pointed out, we are working on setting up a meeting with the trust lands in the near future to begin discussing solutions to trust lands access issues. Our chapter's feelings were that a cooperative stakeholder discussion was a much better path forward for increasing or preserving access for sportsmen in the future. Additionally, we felt that hunter/lessee relationships and our future relationship with the department were better positioned for a working relationship and a solution if we could avoid trying to ram something down their throat through the legislature. We did not introduce or write that bill, but we certainly have an appreciation for the discussion it has generated and the willingness of the department to engage in discussions.
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Didn't know HB1175 was about baiting lol in here before this implodes to 20 pages and a lock.
Didn’t know it was about NDGF deer herd management with tag numbers and crp acres either 🙂
Given this thread has already been derailed, I do want to point out some details related to the secondary topic being discussed.

The NDGF has spent 4.3 million dollars since 2009(NDs first CWD positives) on exclusionary practices for ag producers. These are direct efforts to help keep deer off of hay stacks and other feed storage areas. That money has resulted in 464 hay yard projects since 2009. These include permanent barriers around haystacks and silage piles, horns/sirens (which are only successful in specific situations), temporary fencing/barriers, and other depredation practices that help the producer protect his feed and keep deer from congregating on those locations.

This year alone, because of the particularly bad winter, the NDGF has worked with 147 producers on these very issues. This program is completely voluntary and all materials used for these projects is paid in full by the NDGF and any labor is cost shared as well.

Perhaps I am wrong, but it seems as though GST has not participated in this program or made any effort to work with the GF to find potential solutions.

Carry on...
Given this thread has already been derailed, I do want to point out some details related to the secondary topic being discussed.

The NDGF has spent 4.3 million dollars since 2009(NDs first CWD positives) on exclusionary practices for ag producers. These are direct efforts to help keep deer off of hay stacks and other feed storage areas. That money has resulted in 464 hay yard projects since 2009. These include permanent barriers around haystacks and silage piles, horns/sirens (which are only successful in specific situations), temporary fencing/barriers, and other depredation practices that help the producer protect his feed and keep deer from congregating on those locations.

This year alone, because of the particularly bad winter, the NDGF has worked with 147 producers on these very issues. This program is completely voluntary and all materials used for these projects is paid in full by the NDGF and any labor is cost shared as well.

Perhaps I am wrong, but it seems as though GST has not participated in this program or made any effort to work with the GF to find potential solutions.

Carry on...
So hypothetically, if I owned a ranch and had a silage pit, I COULD work with NDGF to help reduce the problem? But then, I wouldn’t have 600 deer in my silage pit eating that and the corn bait for the kids to shoot? Decisions, decisions.
So hypothetically, if I owned a ranch and had a silage pit, I COULD work with NDGF to help reduce the problem? But then, I wouldn’t have 600 deer in my silage pit eating that and the corn bait for the kids for me to pick a booner out and shoot? Decisions, decisions.
Given this thread has already been derailed, I do want to point out some details related to the secondary topic being discussed.

The NDGF has spent 4.3 million dollars since 2009(NDs first CWD positives) on exclusionary practices for ag producers. These are direct efforts to help keep deer off of hay stacks and other feed storage areas. That money has resulted in 464 hay yard projects since 2009. These include permanent barriers around haystacks and silage piles, horns/sirens (which are only successful in specific situations), temporary fencing/barriers, and other depredation practices that help the producer protect his feed and keep deer from congregating on those locations.

This year alone, because of the particularly bad winter, the NDGF has worked with 147 producers on these very issues. This program is completely voluntary and all materials used for these projects is paid in full by the NDGF and any labor is cost shared as well.

Perhaps I am wrong, but it seems as though GST has not participated in this program or made any effort to work with the GF to find potential solutions.

Carry on...
Um … I simply realize a bandaid doesn’t fix a broken arm

Hay yards from the GF are good for one thing …. Keep deer from wrecking hay stacks ..thats it

What Brock doesn’t realize is that at some point that hay has to be taken out of the fenced area and fed to the cattle…and at that point you have 600 deer feeding side by side with your 300 cows 🤔

I wonder if Brock has seen 600 deer feeding among 300 cows
I applaude the NDGF for establishing the program but it doesn’t work for everyone given some situations

My guess is Brock has never put up a silage pile running semis with end dumps to understand how difficult it is to build a pile inside the limited size eclosure

My guess is Brock has never been part of a hay crew running 2 loaders in the field 4 semis with double trailers each hauling 48 bales and one payloader keeping up unloading going in and out of a 16 foot gate doesn’t really work well

We manage to protect the most attractive hay by stacking straw bales on the outside to limit access

20 years ago we called the GF about deer damage … the experts brought up flashing lights and a siren that went off every 10 minutes to put on the stacks

2 days later I sent them a picture of deer standing on the stacks right beside their flashing lights

At that point I decided we would make our own solutions

Brock 2 questions

1 how familiar with you on maintainance of those fences the GF provides materials for? Hint…. It is a lot easier and quicker to stack straw bales outside alfalfa bales than it is to restretch woven wire after a blizzard tears the fence down)

2 have you ever seen 600 deer congregating in a ranch yard ??
So hypothetically, if I owned a ranch and had a silage pit, I COULD work with NDGF to help reduce the problem? But then, I wouldn’t have 600 deer in my silage pit eating that and the corn bait for the kids to shoot? Decisions, decisions.
You do know that silage has to be taken out of that fence to be fed to the cows right ? Have you ever seen 5-600 deer eating silage with 300 cows ?

Most years we have a couple hundred and no one worries about it

Its just when those experts mismanage the deer herd that we end up with 600🤔
My guess is you have never seen 400 deer congregating in a food plot for 5 months

My guess is you have never seen 600 deer at a silage pile for 5 months

You keep saying things like this and in my case, your guess is correct. If the scenarios you keep speaking of were the norm I gotta think you wouldn't keep assuming none of us have ever seen such a thing? But since you are able to see all these incredible things that few others have, we should definitely have NDGF make all of their regs based upon the ultimate baitpile you seem to have going on there rather than the norm.
You keep saying things like this and in my case, your guess is correct. If the scenarios you keep speaking of were the norm I gotta think you wouldn't keep assuming none of us have ever seen such a thing? But since you are able to see all these incredible things that few others have, we should definitely have NDGF make all of their regs based upon the ultimate baitpile you seem to have going on there rather than the norm.
It is more vommon than you think in the ranching community… maybe not 600 but large numbers of deer yarding up in ranch yards is common

The point here is when you see a 2 inch matt of deer crap over 7 acres and 600 deer congregated for 5 months….wedged side by side 10 rows deep picking through the silage ….. You realize that the 25 deer at a little bait pile is not where cwd is being spread or controlled and anyone that claims it is needs to forfeit their “ expert” status

Ranchers who are pretty knowledgeable about disease issues just shake their heads at these biologists that claim stopping baiting will have any impact on CWD
Ranchers certainly did a good job as it relates to regulations around infectious diseases in the century code. Even an appointed state veterinarian. Imagine what could be done if wildlife disease management were under his and the board's purview....look at all that power.

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So hypothetically, if I owned a ranch and had a silage pit, I COULD work with NDGF to help reduce the problem? But then, I wouldn’t have 600 deer in my silage pit eating that and the corn bait for the kids to shoot? Decisions, decisions.
Stop BELITTLING others. Plz and thx.
Ranchers certainly did a good job as it relates to regulations around infectious diseases in the century code. Even an appointed state veterinarian. Imagine what could be done if wildlife disease management were under his and the board's purview....look at all that power.

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Brock when you speak to things you know nothing about … you should learn a bit

The SBoAH is made up of representatives of various animal ag production orgs that are directly answerable back to the producers that create the grass roots policy that translates into board policy and code

Given your org of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers has no accountability back to the members or any policy development process where members get to vote …. I get where you don’t understand the importance of that

it is in reality the producers themselves that are developing policy and code

It seems a foreign concept to you that the people impacted by law and regulation should be able to be a part of their creation

Perhaps that comes from these national orgs that dictate policy to state orgs like NDBHA from the top down

Thats actually what is happening this legislative session….. you actually had the opportunity to testify but by a preponderance of testimony 75-25 people supported 1151
You keep saying things like this and in my case, your guess is correct. If the scenarios you keep speaking of were the norm I gotta think you wouldn't keep assuming none of us have ever seen such a thing? But since you are able to see all these incredible things that few others have, we should definitely have NDGF make all of their regs based upon the ultimate baitpile you seem to have going on there rather than the norm.
First thanks for answering honestly people like Brock tend to avoid answering those questions

I assume most people haven’t seen those things because after hunting season ends people aren’t pulling in our yards so most people wont It is simply a reality of ranching

Ive been ranching for 45 years … every one of those years we have watched deer yard up in our ranch yard from 100 to 650 head for 5 months they are doing everything 25 of them do at a bait pile every day all winter long

And as we are out feeding cattle every day we see it every day

It is simply common sense ( rare in govt agencies anywhere any more) that 400 deer congregating for 5 months will spread CWD and banning hunting over bait while allowing feeding will do nothing to lessen the rate of transference

And if your argument is well if it stops one case …. Then you damn well better ban food plots as well

13 years 1deer found dead in the wild with CWD …. Thats it

The NDGF killed 50 some deer to test for CWD ….. 0 positives

The NDGF has killed more deer than CWD …. Oh and all the meat off those 50 plus deer….went to waste
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