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Healthy bread; What is there?


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2020
Western Oregon
I'm making some progress on the exercise front, but I need to work on my diet if I want to get in better shape. I know I'll do better with giving myself healthy options than I will with depriving myself. I also know that I like bread in a variety of settings, but a lot of breads are a high-carb/low-value food. Google essentially wants to tell me to buy whole-wheat bread instead of white, which I do already. What can you all tell me about healthier bread choices beyond whole-wheat vs. white? In particular, I do some baking, so a recipe idea for good bread that moves the needle to the healthier side without being too complicated might be the most useful.

flour water salt yeast.

we avoid enriched and bleached flours and we only consume breads that contain those 4 ingredients. there is a local bakery in the town i work in that makes excellent sourdough. i pick up a loaf or two every tuesday. but even healthier breads need to be consumed in more moderation IMO especially if one is needing to lose weight and it depends on the activity level of the individual. IMO whole wheat is good route to go as long as it's a longer fermented bread that is typical of sourdoughs.

there are breads that fulfill these criteria in kroger too. just gotta look for em.
Personally I just eat high quality bread that I like every once in a while, as opposed to "meh" bread regularly. Everyone is different though.

If it's going to be regular use, Ezekiel is widely available and has a lot going for it nutritionally IMO. When you're not eating other bready food it's definitley not bad with some additions like @MtnElk notes. Compared to a fresh loaf of sourdough it tastes like cardboard however. :)
I'm making some progress on the exercise front, but I need to work on my diet if I want to get in better shape. I know I'll do better with giving myself healthy options than I will with depriving myself. I also know that I like bread in a variety of settings, but a lot of breads are a high-carb/low-value food. Google essentially wants to tell me to buy whole-wheat bread instead of white, which I do already. What can you all tell me about healthier bread choices beyond whole-wheat vs. white? In particular, I do some baking, so a recipe idea for good bread that moves the needle to the healthier side without being too complicated might be the most useful.


Sourdough bread is much better for you than white bread and many of the wheat breads that have added sugars.
Just make your own. Buy stone ground whole wheat and a bag of instant yeast. Might take a few tries to get it where you want but you'll never go back to store bought. You don't need a mixer or anything fancy. Once you get the hang of it make your own sourdough leaven and then you don't even have to buy yeast! I've never found a truly 100% whole grain commercial bread before.

Give The Fresh Loaf a gander.
We have been having our local extension nutrition specialist come in the last several weeks talking to us. Last week was digestion, topic of fiber and bread came up. She claims breads that have "whole" grains in them are better than those that dont. So in her opinion whole wheat is better than 12 grain as the example we had in the class. was something about the benefits of using the entire or "whole" grain vs taking the outer shell off them. And i may not be relaying it 100% but the main point was she said if it has the word whole in it its a better choice.
I'm making some progress on the exercise front, but I need to work on my diet if I want to get in better shape. I know I'll do better with giving myself healthy options than I will with depriving myself. I also know that I like bread in a variety of settings, but a lot of breads are a high-carb/low-value food. Google essentially wants to tell me to buy whole-wheat bread instead of white, which I do already. What can you all tell me about healthier bread choices beyond whole-wheat vs. white? In particular, I do some baking, so a recipe idea for good bread that moves the needle to the healthier side without being too complicated might be the most useful.

Whole grain breads are the best, be it whole wheat or some other grain. It takes your body longer to break it down (complex carb, Glycemic index rating, etc), which reduces blood sugar spikes. It doesn't mean switching will cause weight loss, just that it is another small step that helps. Also to note, sometimes a whole grain can actually have more carbs than the traditional. I would still choose the whole grain.

I don't know anything about baking, so I'm zero help there.
It probably isn’t the bag of two dozen yeast rolls from Sam’s club.

But I’ll keep you posted. 😂
We use Dave's Killer Bread... favorite is White Done Right but their 21 grain is probably healthier. Both contain sugar.
I'm a fan of those. I eat low carb / keto a lot at home but for hunting road trips I buy Dave's White Done Right and make a bunch of sandwiches to save from stopping for food.
My wife has a flour grinder and grinds her own flour. The fresh ground flour folks can be a little tribal, but it makes good bread and it's supposed to be healthier.
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