Caribou Gear Tarp

Is Marcus a Druid?

I'll send him a membership application if he isn't..

The UAOD (United Ancient Order of Druids) of California is a non-political non-denominational fraternal benefit society. The California Druids were formed as a brotherhood united to assist the families of miners injured or killed in the gold fields of the Sierra Nevada. It spread statewide and became a booming organization. Over 200 local Groves have been chartered over the years and membership approached 15,000 in the early years of the 20th century. As with most fraternal organizations membership has dwindled over the last half century. The ritual and ceremonies were based loosely on ancient Druidic myths. Our mission is to promote knowledge, unity and peace. Currently there are 14 Groves (community lodges) plus the Grand Grove in California. The farthest south is Bakersfield and the farthest north is Point Arena. Each Grove normally meets one or two times per month to take care of business obligations and put on dinners or fundraisers. Statewide, the Druids sponsor a scholarship program giving out $25,000 a year. Local community involvement varies depending on local Grove abilities and community needs.
Based on the last few videos I think they've either moved the pronghorn or Marcus has moved the chair

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